Its my 241 post and I had just read every single post in my blog and in every post takes me back to the memories and events that happen. Its like I just rewind myself to the past and I could feel the stress going through PMR again. The fun after PMR and the drama that happened last year. The post about my nephew Ezekiel and my niece who died from leukimia is here in this blog and I read it all and I even shed a tear. this is my 241 post and if you sum up 2,4 and 1 it becomes my lucky number 7. It took me about 2 hours to finished every single word that I use in this blog and I'm going to close this blog on my birthday on 17 April 2011. When I finally reach 18 and then I will start a new blog. The blog about me going through college life pulak. And this blog would be printed.
until then,

Oh, the title is just for fun I'm listening to Nelly Furtado's dirty songs. I'm in my dance mood now. I'm currently addicted to Blue Da Ba Dee. remember that song? Theres a little part of that song in my lips like sugar by flo rida.
Anyway, I'm still LAZY to go to school although I know that its fine now and whatever but I don't really care. Just one more day of me organizing myself and recovering from the pain of failure from the mid terms results and then I'm back. New nick and fresh.
Until then,
P/S: I miss my dad :/
love you long time,
when I talk, I'll talk like I handle it
I did not go to school today because everyone is not going and obviously when everyone is not going, there will be no studying so why go? Plus, my mum is afraid that I will get infected and she said that I have to go to school tomorrow because the news said that my school is not closed. But, I said that the news advice us not to go to school and she kept quiet.
I'm listening to MANEATER over and over again. This song is good shit! I would go on a date with a maneater because they are my kind of women. But I wonder if I am their type of GUY.
GASH! Tomorrow is Najjy's bday. Atiq and I are going to go to her house since she can't go out because she's quarantine.
until then
make them crack go round
I went to school today, but I stayed only after recess because I sneezed a lot and the teachers had gone paranoid and ask me to go home. I did.
The reason I sneezed was because I sat under the fan.
Anyway, I feel kind off dizzy now. It makes me worry. But I hope that its just a normal migraine because I do not want to stay in a hospital where no one can visit you except nurses. WAIT! On second thoughts! Lets go to the hospital. Maybe the nurse looks like Kim Kardashian who helps the patients to go to the toilet and bath. haha!
anyway, I'm not going to school tomorrow :)
And I hope that H get well soon!
until then,
The reason I sneezed was because I sat under the fan.
Anyway, I feel kind off dizzy now. It makes me worry. But I hope that its just a normal migraine because I do not want to stay in a hospital where no one can visit you except nurses. WAIT! On second thoughts! Lets go to the hospital. Maybe the nurse looks like Kim Kardashian who helps the patients to go to the toilet and bath. haha!
anyway, I'm not going to school tomorrow :)
And I hope that H get well soon!
until then,
its contageous!
You lucky H1N1 4SIK bastards! Your class gets one week of free holiday's just because this one unlucky girl has gotten infected. I really hope that it could be infectious through sights.
Anyway, to dearest H-- Get well soon, you do fine. Don't be turning into a pig! but if you do, make sure your pink!
until then,
Anyway, to dearest H-- Get well soon, you do fine. Don't be turning into a pig! but if you do, make sure your pink!
until then,
don't lie

The way you said it to me like I'm the one who is supposed to be blame. Being a bitch is cute sometimes but not always. Remember that please. You are one of my dearest friends and I'm sorry I lash at you back in front of everyone. But you made it feel like it was my fault and the way you talked to me like I'm the one who is suppose to be blame.
And to the other girl, I know no one from your school except you. Who the hell reads my blog anyway except for my followers and my closest friends? Tell me who reads my blog straight to my face and bring him/her in front of me. Then if the girl/guy said that it is true that the girl/guy reads my blog. Then, this blog is going to be private. If your lucky, I'll add you to read my blog. And why did you tell others that it was my fault. If I did anything wrong to you. Tell me first.
You are one of my very very very dearest friends. I love you to bits. You have been nice to me through thick and thin. But if you have major big motion problems with me, tell me right straight to my face and I try to change. That's how friendship works.
I'm sorry, if I accidentally wrote something private about you in this blog. Because I do not know people from your school would read this lame thing.
until then,
if you were me you'd be miserable.
My first paper that I ever failed was Agama when I was in form 1. Through out the whole of form 1, I fail my Agama. But that change when I was in form 2 and 3, those 2 years of my life I have never failed anything. Getting a D yes. But not an E.
And now I'm in form 4. A whole new format and a whole new subjects. 5 G9 and 1C so far.
How's that for being me?
until then,
And now I'm in form 4. A whole new format and a whole new subjects. 5 G9 and 1C so far.
How's that for being me?
until then,
how things change.
Oh, god NO!

As I was searching for a topic for the Star Inc Magazine competition, I found out about this site that makes you take a quiz to show if you have a personality disorder. I got 90% for being narcissistic. Narcissistic is a personality that describe a person who is in love with themselves ALOT. Pendek kata PERASAN! or even VAIN.
These are the symptoms of a person who has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder:-
I need help!
- Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
- Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
- Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
- Requires excessive admiration
- Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
- Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
- Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
- Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
- Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
until then,
P/s Please comment if you think that I have a narcissistic personality disorder. I need to know!
"I'm going to be very happy today"
I wake up in the morning, hesitating every step of me going to the toilet and have a bath. I want to stay in bed waking up at 1pm and then have lunch for breakfast and tea for lunch. But life is somewhat unfair and so I have to go to school and face the music which is the melody of failure when I get my mid term results.
As I was staring at myself in the mirror, I kept repeating these lines in my head while I brush my teeth and wash my face and even when I took my bath "Nick, you are going to be very happy today". Because my mom always said that your mind controls everything that you do, and she even said that if you tell your mind something and automatically your body will follow what the brain has been told to do. So, I tried commanding my brain to tell myself that I will be very happy today. Will I?
The morning assembly that I hate the most, all I hear is BLA BLA BLA when I just want to hear BLA. Then the discipline teacher said "Pengawas, sila pastikan bahawa pelajar memotong rambut dan memakai lencana, tali leher dan sebagainya pada hari esok" I was like shit! I do not want to cut my hair. Why should I anyway right?
An hour after the assembly, first period starts-- SCIENCE! Science in form 4 is kind of hard but to think of it, it's not very hard compared to the science students who is taking chemistry and physics. So, I am very lucky to be taking science besides Physics and Chemistry. But since this is my first time taking an actual SPM format paper which was very different from the PMR paper, I would be expecting a G9 or an E8. But instead, I recieved a C6
I'm not that happy but I feel ok.
Second period--Economics, my paper one was ok which was 20/40 but my teacher said everyone screwed paper 2. Guess what? I failed :( Yes, I failed my economics, the subject that I studied the most, the subject that was supposedly to be very very easy to score which I thought I would score but apparently, I recieved a G9 for my economics. But, I am looking at the brightside of all of this because my teacher said it is not confirmed yet that those results are true because it could be more when Pn. Salwani checked the paper and it also could be less. Lets pray hard that I will not fail Economics, because it is just simply impossible. just IMPOSSIBLE!
After reccess--Bahasa Malaysia, which I know I screwed and I know that I will not fail and maybe get a C. But we only get the marks of our paper 2. Which I really really screwed and I got 32/110. But maybe paper 1 could save my ass. I choked everytime I think about the results. Tomorrow is doomsday, Additional Mathematics and History. Maybe I could score my Agama which I always score :) Wait Nick, don't be too confident. I'm not even confident for getting an A for english. Its so URGH!
After Bahasa Malaysia, we were suppose to go to the hall because there is this Career Talk thingy that we are suppose to listen to for an hour. Which was very boring and yet very helpful at the same time. I am still not sure what I am going to do after my SPM but I am sure it is about business and designing.
English was ok. We did not get our papers yet, but we played this countable noun and uncountable nouns shit that to me is like a 4 year old game and obviously everyone WON! -.-"
I went back home around 2.30 and bath. I told my mom about my results and she was dissapointed obviously. I had lunch and slept until maghrib.
until then,
As I was staring at myself in the mirror, I kept repeating these lines in my head while I brush my teeth and wash my face and even when I took my bath "Nick, you are going to be very happy today". Because my mom always said that your mind controls everything that you do, and she even said that if you tell your mind something and automatically your body will follow what the brain has been told to do. So, I tried commanding my brain to tell myself that I will be very happy today. Will I?
The morning assembly that I hate the most, all I hear is BLA BLA BLA when I just want to hear BLA. Then the discipline teacher said "Pengawas, sila pastikan bahawa pelajar memotong rambut dan memakai lencana, tali leher dan sebagainya pada hari esok" I was like shit! I do not want to cut my hair. Why should I anyway right?
An hour after the assembly, first period starts-- SCIENCE! Science in form 4 is kind of hard but to think of it, it's not very hard compared to the science students who is taking chemistry and physics. So, I am very lucky to be taking science besides Physics and Chemistry. But since this is my first time taking an actual SPM format paper which was very different from the PMR paper, I would be expecting a G9 or an E8. But instead, I recieved a C6
I'm not that happy but I feel ok.
Second period--Economics, my paper one was ok which was 20/40 but my teacher said everyone screwed paper 2. Guess what? I failed :( Yes, I failed my economics, the subject that I studied the most, the subject that was supposedly to be very very easy to score which I thought I would score but apparently, I recieved a G9 for my economics. But, I am looking at the brightside of all of this because my teacher said it is not confirmed yet that those results are true because it could be more when Pn. Salwani checked the paper and it also could be less. Lets pray hard that I will not fail Economics, because it is just simply impossible. just IMPOSSIBLE!
After reccess--Bahasa Malaysia, which I know I screwed and I know that I will not fail and maybe get a C. But we only get the marks of our paper 2. Which I really really screwed and I got 32/110. But maybe paper 1 could save my ass. I choked everytime I think about the results. Tomorrow is doomsday, Additional Mathematics and History. Maybe I could score my Agama which I always score :) Wait Nick, don't be too confident. I'm not even confident for getting an A for english. Its so URGH!
After Bahasa Malaysia, we were suppose to go to the hall because there is this Career Talk thingy that we are suppose to listen to for an hour. Which was very boring and yet very helpful at the same time. I am still not sure what I am going to do after my SPM but I am sure it is about business and designing.
English was ok. We did not get our papers yet, but we played this countable noun and uncountable nouns shit that to me is like a 4 year old game and obviously everyone WON! -.-"
I went back home around 2.30 and bath. I told my mom about my results and she was dissapointed obviously. I had lunch and slept until maghrib.
until then,
Its over !

Tomorrow is a schooling day :/ Results, here I come to received my punishments for being lazy and a fucktard procrastinator. I hope I can do well and received good and an okok results.
Thanks to my friends for making my holiday fun :) I appreciate it.
This year June's Holiday was ok. Went to 3 parties, went shopping, movies, sunway lagoon, sneaking out and drive around town :)
I can't wait for the next holidays :)
I have to go to bed now, ttyl
until then
2 days before school starts,
Today, what did I do today? haha. I did a WHOLE lot of things today!
I woke up at 12.30pm and then I took a bath to get ready for friday prayers, after the friday prayers, Siti came to my house because we were suppose to go to KLCC to meet with my dearest cousins, Aqeel and Fathin. Arrived KLCC we went to KFC for lunch, after having lunch, we walked around KLCC for a while because Fathin wanted to buy some make up.
Around 6, we went to my uncle house because Aqeel left his bags there and he wanted to follow me go home because we planned to go to Sunway lagoon the next morning. After that, we went back home. Arrived home around 9.30. We quickly dressed up to go to SNEAK OUT party.
Arrived at Sneak Out party, Siti and I dance to my and her favorite songs. Mine is obviously the PCD's and hers is the PITBULL song, -.-"
But hye, she redeemed herself honey. We had fun. I rate the party 5/10 :) One marks more then spade. I hope the Sneak Out party 2 will be 10/10.
We went back home around 1am. I was very very tired and sleepy but Aqeel wanted more, so since my friends is going to AC, I thought I could follow them but their car is full so I was relief for a moment and I thought I could rest in peace. But then, Aqeel was hungry -.-" we thought of WALKING to the nearest mamak stall. But then, I had an idea-- Why don't we just sneak out using my mum's car?! haha.
We were nervous obviously but we made it through. After the mamak, I let Aqeel drive the car and he did. I was terrified! While he was driving my mum called:
"dekat mana ni?"
I was like "oh, erm dekat pelita dgn my friend,"
and she was like "it's 3am, balik now"
I was like "okok."
I went back home, my mom did not notice that I brought the car around town :)
haha, I had fun today. KLCC, SNEAK OUT PARTY and SNUCK OUT :)
until then,
I woke up at 12.30pm and then I took a bath to get ready for friday prayers, after the friday prayers, Siti came to my house because we were suppose to go to KLCC to meet with my dearest cousins, Aqeel and Fathin. Arrived KLCC we went to KFC for lunch, after having lunch, we walked around KLCC for a while because Fathin wanted to buy some make up.
Around 6, we went to my uncle house because Aqeel left his bags there and he wanted to follow me go home because we planned to go to Sunway lagoon the next morning. After that, we went back home. Arrived home around 9.30. We quickly dressed up to go to SNEAK OUT party.
Arrived at Sneak Out party, Siti and I dance to my and her favorite songs. Mine is obviously the PCD's and hers is the PITBULL song, -.-"
But hye, she redeemed herself honey. We had fun. I rate the party 5/10 :) One marks more then spade. I hope the Sneak Out party 2 will be 10/10.
We went back home around 1am. I was very very tired and sleepy but Aqeel wanted more, so since my friends is going to AC, I thought I could follow them but their car is full so I was relief for a moment and I thought I could rest in peace. But then, Aqeel was hungry -.-" we thought of WALKING to the nearest mamak stall. But then, I had an idea-- Why don't we just sneak out using my mum's car?! haha.
We were nervous obviously but we made it through. After the mamak, I let Aqeel drive the car and he did. I was terrified! While he was driving my mum called:
"dekat mana ni?"
I was like "oh, erm dekat pelita dgn my friend,"
and she was like "it's 3am, balik now"
I was like "okok."
I went back home, my mom did not notice that I brought the car around town :)
haha, I had fun today. KLCC, SNEAK OUT PARTY and SNUCK OUT :)
until then,
hush hush!
The holiday is nearly coming to an end. How time flies so fast, and how I don't miss school. Mid term results is coming soon! I know that I did badly and I think I would fail 4 papers, how sad is that? And to add more sadness in the sad situation, my mom will be facing my results soon at open day! I bet I'm going to get grounded.
I can't stop thinking about the results and I hope that it won't be as bad as I thought it would be :/
June holidays is ok. Not that FUN! But ok. I can't wait until the August and September holidays and of course my favorite holidays of all! The end of the year holidays! I just can't stop talking about holidays because I love the holidays!
hmph, I'm done.
until then,
I can't stop thinking about the results and I hope that it won't be as bad as I thought it would be :/
June holidays is ok. Not that FUN! But ok. I can't wait until the August and September holidays and of course my favorite holidays of all! The end of the year holidays! I just can't stop talking about holidays because I love the holidays!
hmph, I'm done.
until then,
This second
shh! shut up!

That stupid pitbull "I KNOW YOU WANT ME" song is stuck in my head and its annoying. Stop bitch! STOP!
3 minutes later..
I search on youtube for the Hanging By A Moment song by lifhouse. GOSH! This song saved my head from singing that I know you want me song.
What to do tomorrow? Oh yeah, hanging out at Anne's house to planned her sweet sixteen. Tomorrow is the Guest List meeting baby. Be nervous :) On Friday, I'm meeting my dearest cousins at KLCC and one of them is going to follow me back home because HE wants to go to Sunway Lagoon :/ As a good cousin I am, I'm bringing him to Sunway Lagoon for the 100th of time since last year!
until then,

I'm falling even more in love with you and I'm letting go of all I've held on to.
currently listening to: hanging by a moment by lifehouse
After lunch at home eating Ikan Sambal Terutuk cooked by my dearest momma which was delicious btw, and after that I took a bath because Atiq and I was going to meet Anne, Fitrah and Yasmin at Fitrah's crib.
Arrived there, we waited for Anne. While waiting, your dearest Nico Adam took a lot of pictures using Fitrah's DSLR. 15 minutes after Anne arrived, we walk to OTWC-- I know, school holidays and OTWC? Well, thats because we're broke to go to somewhere fun. At OTWC, I ordered my usual, which was the Nan Yang memorably/cold :) My friends don't like it but I love it.
We hanged around OTWC for an hour, after that we went to the gameshop because since the PS2 is in my house, I only played with it for about 3 to 5 times and thats because all my games are lame. So, I went to the gameshop and bought sims URBZ.
After I bought my game, we went to the KGSAAS club for a swim. It was fun though! We tried stupid cheerleading moves on the and under water. haha, funny I know. After swimming, we planned Anne's sweet sixteen which I'm the host and invitations only--hope your getting in!
hmph, and after that, I went home and played my game until I'm bored and then I ate dinner and then I played my guitar then go online :)
until then,
After lunch at home eating Ikan Sambal Terutuk cooked by my dearest momma which was delicious btw, and after that I took a bath because Atiq and I was going to meet Anne, Fitrah and Yasmin at Fitrah's crib.
Arrived there, we waited for Anne. While waiting, your dearest Nico Adam took a lot of pictures using Fitrah's DSLR. 15 minutes after Anne arrived, we walk to OTWC-- I know, school holidays and OTWC? Well, thats because we're broke to go to somewhere fun. At OTWC, I ordered my usual, which was the Nan Yang memorably/cold :) My friends don't like it but I love it.
We hanged around OTWC for an hour, after that we went to the gameshop because since the PS2 is in my house, I only played with it for about 3 to 5 times and thats because all my games are lame. So, I went to the gameshop and bought sims URBZ.
After I bought my game, we went to the KGSAAS club for a swim. It was fun though! We tried stupid cheerleading moves on the and under water. haha, funny I know. After swimming, we planned Anne's sweet sixteen which I'm the host and invitations only--hope your getting in!
hmph, and after that, I went home and played my game until I'm bored and then I ate dinner and then I played my guitar then go online :)
until then,
pictures from today's activities

theres more, but malas nk upload check more at my myspace account :), there is something on my mind that makes me kinda pissed off.
note to YOURSELF: I don't usually listen to sad stories, but to some people I make an exception. Please don't be a bitch and tell me all your fake resolutions that you BERANGAN to do and lied to me and tell me those things which I'm suppose to know first but I knew it last. Hmph. apa apa ah, malas nak gadoh.
until then :)
sway my way.
The last time I actually went out with my friends was last Tuesday and that was the lame SPADE party. I know its very sad.
Well, it has been a whole month since I last went to SUNWAY because I was saving for BFF shopping day last month. And today, was the big day! :)
YES! I went to sunway pyramid, GOSH! I miss the chinese food smell, ice skating rink, the small theater and the other lame teens that were hanging out there. I arrived there at about 1 and went straight to the movies to checked out the tickets. GOSH! One month of not going to SUNWAY is equal to ONE FREAKING YEAR. There is this new coffee bean spot there in front of the escalator which use to be an ice cream place. And there was this new shop called LANCE or something smilar to that effect which was having a 70% discount for a skinny jeans. But since Anne and I were rushing, so we did not stop by at that shop.
We want to watch 17 AGAIN but it was full, and HANNAH MONTANA was also full so what is left is FIGHTING -.-" Channing Tatum from step up played the main actor for that movie. He really looks like he was from the slumps doesn't he?
While waiting for the movie, we went for lunch at this place called gasoline. The food there is not bad and plus its cheap. After that, I met up with Yasmin and Fitrah. We spill some dirt about spade lah and some other useless bitches. And after that, we went to the movies and that was about 2.45. Anne and I thought that our movie start about 2.45 but actually it had started at 2.10pm!
After movies, the girls and I went to starbucks and talk about the stuff that has been happening lately. And at 5.15 we went home.
Arrived home, Yasmin and I hang around at Fitrah's snow white look a like house and took vain pictures which I look very very hot btw :) and then Anne came, we brought them to the haunted house which looks very very nice! But we found NO ghost. And we continued being vain :)
At 7.00pm, I went back home. Dearest mother picked me up at the gate :) Tomorrow I;m going swimming :))
until then,
1 week more,

shit! I hope they extend the holidays. 2 weeks is definitely not enough, I'm not missing school at all. I'm having fun sleeping and relaxing at home but my mind feels like crying--wait, I mean I feel like crying thinking about my soon to be results. I know that I will do badly. hmph.
Today, Sya and Siti came to Permata, we only talked about SPADE, so N there's nothing about you and I think S misses you. Please don't take this personally because I did not ask you to come to hang out with us. You know I love you :) ok N? BTW, obviously you know that I'm jealous because you have perfect teeth now bitch! hmph,
Besides that,
Today my mom and I went to Carrefour to buy some apples and other things. OK, I know your thinking "Shah Alam ada tesco, giant and even tesco extra." But, unfortunately my mom has no free vouchers for those supermarket. So, that is why we went to carrefour because I think my mum has 100 ringgit voucher there or something similar to that effect.
hehe, its' funny actually because my mom thought me how to drive! A MANUAL car! Obviously she was a bit GUBRA but then when I get the hang of it she said that I'm good. Tomorrow is another lesson :) I can't wait!
tomorrow is another day,
until then,
I will always be there : )
Oh, Anis and Siti is being very upset because of their own personal problems. So as a good BFF, I'm gonna chill them up. Unfortunately Anis is in JB, and I'm not sure if I could go there and meet her. Siti, well I'm gonna meet her tomorrow :)
I will always be there for you bitches :)
until then, ILYM!
serve you right,
I don't think that its cool to ever to take drugs, its stupid. Try MAYBE but showing it off no. Look what you have done, HAVOC right? And if its you that was hurt then thats fine, but you brought other people as well and harmless people was hurt by your stupid mistake. Most of all, you promised me that you were not going to do it, but why do it? You make me worry a hell out of you man. You promise me so many times that you were not going to do it ok! I'm not mad but I'm disappointed in you! it serves you right that you were not having the time of your life and it serve you right that you feel bad right now!
until then,
until then,
your on to me
Tomorrow is SPADE baby :) I wanna dance my ass off down to the floor, You want more? Then I give you more :)
I'm wearing a simple simple outfit tomorrow, But simple is always the best, and I'm bein messy :)
dah la aku ngantuk ni.
until then,
I'm wearing a simple simple outfit tomorrow, But simple is always the best, and I'm bein messy :)
dah la aku ngantuk ni.
until then,
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