30th of August 2009:
Woke up quite early because my mom wants me to accompany her to the market since its my nephew Ezekiel's first birthday and there were 4 families that is going to come to my house for buka. So, its like a small gathering for Ezekiel :)
I went home and bathe. After that I heard a loud MA MA MA. I went out of my room, and there he was. My mini me :) the apple of my eye and my sweetheart--Ezekiel :)
He was a little bit cranky because he just woke up from his nap and then knowing my family who was loud. He was awaken. My brother bought him a chu chu train that goes round and round on its track. It was cute btw. Ezekiel apparently did not played with the train, but the box -.-"
Since my other sister zaza and I have not bought a present for him yet. So, at 5.00pm we went to Subang Parade because theres toys r us there. Toys nowdays are so not fun ok! Its all about science and some stupid tembak2 thing that you can buy at a pasar malam. It was so not worth it. Then we decided to go to parkson. Parkson's was better. We bought him a mini basketball court where the basket can talk and keep scores. Killa cool!
And then, we went for glasses shopping. Well, at least my sister did. I had to wait. She was in that shop until 6.45pm!! We had not even wrapped the present yet. So, we went to the parkson customer service and ask this man to packed for us. Oh, how he took his own bloody time. To wrapped THAT ONE present took half an hour. It was then. 7.15
We rushed back home, thank you god that theres no jammed. Arrived home at 7.30 and then I took a sipped of tea and had to rush to solat berjemaah maghrib with the family. Oh and Atiq was there too because I invited him. Anyway, after solat I tried my moms Mac and Cheese and potato soup! Killer nice! And then we played with Ezekiel. He is very ACTIVE! Does not know how to stop! He opened his new present that my sister bought it for him. But he did not even play with it, he played with the box again! haha. The one who played the basketball mini court thingy was my brother and my cousin.
At 10pm, the house was empty. I sent Atiq back home. I was plannig to go out with Anne to celebrate Merdeka eve. Since she wants to go clubbing, so I turn down the offer because its Ramadhan and I'm tired.
31st August 2009:
I was awaken by my sister annoying voice-- "nick nick bangun!! nick nick bangun laaa. Teman I dgn sham pergi subang nk menang 5000 ni"
And being a good brother I am, I followed. There is this ogawa competition where you have to take a picture of you and an Ogawa product and send it with the most creative captions. So, we took some funny pictures. And then my sister went to buy that glasses she wants yesterday.
Went back home at 2.30 and I slept until 6.30pm. After buka, I helped my sister uploaded the pictures and edited it for her. We sent 5 pictures -.-" haha. But, I really think we can win them ALL! After my sister went to bed, then the line is clear for me to smoke. I had some ME time in my room, smoking and preparing for err.. yeah, SCHOOL! And now I'm blogging.
Oh, visit my tumblr. This is my un-anonymous tumblr :) SINCE everyone is asking for my tumblr. I made one un-anonymous. www.godasupernova.tumblr.com
Happy Merdeka Day :)
until then,