I have come to this point of my life where people kept asking me what I want to do after high school. Next year, I will be in form 4. What class should I take? What options do I have when I take that particular class? This are the questions that are going around in my mind these days. URGH I did not know that choosing your career will make you feel so useless and unmotivated.. damn!
PMR is coming in 3 months from now! I am still procrastinating like shit!! urgh fuck me!! I hate my self because I procrastinate. My mid term results was not good. I did not do my freakin best.. I will study from now!! please GOD!! gimme hope.. I do not only call upon you when I need you I am going to start praying to you now everyday all day..
Back to my"what I wanna be" topic. I know this sounds so cliche, but I love ARTS.. I love to design and stuffs.. But the thing about that is.. I cant even draw a perfect LINE without using a ruler and I cant even draw a 360 circle without using a compass.. I have this ideas in my head.. But I do not know how to express it on a piece of paper..
shitty ain't it?
I love to organize stuffs. Like parties,tea parties and what not. I am currently working on doing a masquerade party with my friend Nabilah Radzi.. yeap! We planned it big.. I am kinda good at it actually but being an event organizer is soo EVERYONE these days.. And I can't be as RICH as I want to be if I be an event organizer..
Fashion is also something that I like. But, the thing about that is.. I am afraid to learn fashion because there are so many gays in the industry. And I am a guy who is STRAIGHT from head to toe.. I'm HOMOPHOBIC..
Music is my hobby and I love music as much as I love myself. I have alot of genres of music in my iPOD and I love every single one of them. I have compose a lot of songs with the guitar and stuffs.. But to me, being a STAR is not my thing. I do not go for popularity.. Plus my mom would not let me be a ROCKSTAR.. -.-"
A photographer? yeah. Thinking about that actually.. But, it is not a serious JOB.. You have to be very very good at it to be rich doing it..
aaahh!!!!!! My other options is being an art director,creative director,graphic designer,interior designer,advertising designer and a businessman..
ouh! When I get my 8 A's for my PMR, I think that I would be in the 4IK1 class these are the subjects that I would be taking next year:
4. ARTS(extra)
yeap! So, I hope that I know what I wanna be ASAP!
untill then,
yours truly,
Nick Raja Adam