Fathers day is almost here.. I do not share this with my friends because they would give me this sympathetic look that I hate and they would not understand how I feel. And I do not expect them to understand.
I was at the mamak stall with my mom and all we could think about is my dad. I remember every kisses from him,every bed time story,every teaching and every love that I felt from him. Forgetting about him is like the last thing on my mind right now.
He is the best daddy in the whole wide world! No one can beat his JOKES,COOLESSNESS and UNIQUENESS. My dad is one of a kind. Not like yours. The bored dad. hahaha..
Although I know that he is in a better place now. But sometimes I do wait for him to come in to my dreams and tuck me into bed like he used to.
The moment that I knew I lost my dad was at his grave yard. When my family and I were the last one to leave the grave. At that particular second, when I know that he is 6 feet under and that I will never see him again the tears just came out like it was from the heart and my mind just kept saying "OMG nick! You do not have a dad no more. It is not a dream. your hero just passed away."
Sometimes, I do feel that this was all just a dream. I swear! Sometimes I just can't believe it that his gone forever! And when I wake up I would still be in JB being 10 again. But I do not wanna turn back time and go through all that again.. To me it is just a waste of time.. Just a scary phase that I go through..
I am not sad actually right now. Not even happy. But I just miss having a DAD. The 11 years of my life with him are all the special ones. And I hope that ALLAH put him in a better place like no other!
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