I went to scream park yesterday afternoon! OH MY GOD! That was one of a hell out of a scream park! I was screaming all the way..
okay, so it when like this:
Meyy,anne,atiq and I were hugging eachother.. Practically, we were holding on and hugging on to meyy because he was tough and had a body of a builder. So we went in, in front of us was Nabilah,yasmin,nadhirah and rydah.. yeah! The power girls were at the front. -.-"
The room was dark, very dark! And the rules is that you can't touch the ghost and the ghost will not touch you. And once you go in, you may never turn back. Not even once! (but i beg the tour guide that i wanna go out) pffft!! hahah..
And then suddenly it was all red. I see something moving in front of me and suddenly someone's breath is on my neck. Chills were given to me from my head to my spine! The zombie just attacked me and make sounds like a phyton snake. I screaaaaammmmmm... Unfortunately, I accidentally screamed at Anne's ears.. haha.. At that time, I beg Atiq that I wanted to be at the center because I was sooo freakin scared! The zombie keep bullying me because I was the one who screams ALOT! hahaha.. And I shouted "TAAKK NAKKKKK!! I GAVE UP!! NAK MATI!!"
and the zombie was like "Kau nak mati? aku boleh tolong kau..sssssss" and I was like "okok tak nak mati tak nak mati.." So, we had to move on to the next room.. I do not know how, suddenly I was not at the center no more! haha.. I scream because I heard THUNDERSTORMS at the other room. And then I slowly turn around, and there it was! If that looks could kill.. It would! The zombie was 1cm behind me.. I screeaaaaammm at the top of my lungs and JUMP at Meyy's back.. and hugged him so that he would protect me..
At the 2nd room, we were suppose to wear 3D glasses. As we went in, everything just GLOWS. My shirt and my teeth became blue. haha. And then another mysterious tour guide come and separated Meyy and I.. So I was left with Atiq, 2 sweden's tourist and 2 australian tourist.. After 5 minutes the tour guide brought us to a tunnel.. The tunnel spin round and round like the tunnel in TWILIGHT ZONE.. hahaha freakay! that TUNNEL leads us to the 3rd room.. Which was the RUMAH HANTU!
That time I was hugging and scratching Atiq's stomach.. And then we were let in.. At first there was nothing.. But then, I heard a loud BOOM and I screaaaammmm because the ghost was camouflage on the wall.. There was soo many ghost in that RUMAH HANTU! The ghost just make sounds and nearly touch us.. I hugged atiq and that sweden guy all the way.. hahahahah.. And from that rumah hantu, it leads us to the last room which was the prison break live!
There was a guard and it told us the same thing what the tour guide said to us but this time was like this "do not touch the prisoner and the prisoner wont touch you" and then he open the door.. A crazy man just POPS out of the door with bloods all over his face and scare us! It was pretty scary at that room because the lights was on and off all the way.. And you would get lost easily in that room because it was confusing.. I see prisoner trying to catch me and some of them whisper at me and some of them just shouted at me! I was trying so hard to find my way out.. And then, I saw Atiq, I run to him and hugged him very very tightly... Thank god, after that we were OUT of scream park.. YES! I made it through prison break! and most of all I made it through it all!!

Yesterday was a fun and bad day. Eventually my friends and I were suppose to watch KAMI. But then one of them was broke. So, Nabilah and I when and watch MAMMA MIA. It was kinda an OLDIES movie. With the songs back from the 70s or 80s. But it was FUN! And unfortunately we had to go before the movie ends because we were going to see our other friend Anne.
At the taxi which we pay for RM21!! hish! The driver was being fuckingly rude.. here's the conversation:
nick was calling atiq about the plan to go to Anne's house,
nick: Atiq kiteorang dah bertolak from sunway
atiq: ouh okok, erm i nak kena bayar duit tuition dulu then kita gy umah anne.
nick: ok.
nick: Bang, lepas ni amek kawan saya then hanta kat KGSAAS boleh? bayar extra
stupiduneducatedriver: (being rude) TAK BOLEH!
(he thinks he is already rich KOT sb tu jadi pemandu teksi)
at permata,
nick: bang hanta saya kat block satu eyh,
nick: KANAN KANAN! *raising my voice*
so he drop us off,
nick: Terima kasih, NOT! ouh thnks for being rude.
(obviously dia tak faham..)
nick was calling atiq about the plan to go to Anne's house,
nick: Atiq kiteorang dah bertolak from sunway
atiq: ouh okok, erm i nak kena bayar duit tuition dulu then kita gy umah anne.
nick: ok.
nick: Bang, lepas ni amek kawan saya then hanta kat KGSAAS boleh? bayar extra
stupiduneducatedriver: (being rude) TAK BOLEH!
(he thinks he is already rich KOT sb tu jadi pemandu teksi)
at permata,
nick: bang hanta saya kat block satu eyh,
nick: KANAN KANAN! *raising my voice*
so he drop us off,
nick: Terima kasih, NOT! ouh thnks for being rude.
(obviously dia tak faham..)
So we walk to anne house. While walking, anne and acap was riding a scooter and pick us up.. But anne let nabilah ride with acap. So I hugged anne and we walk to her house. OTW to her house, I tried to drive the scooter and guess what?! I hit the divider!! hahaha.. cibai betol! Acap was laughing.. babi!!!!! And so, we went to the KGSAAS and have tea there..
so that was the summary of that day
so that was the summary of that day
you know, everyone has a secret. A secret they never tell. Although you think that your bestestfriends has told you every little detail about themselves but you know that they have the deepest darkest secret they never tell you. right? Sometimes secrets is a sign of desperation. don't you think so?
aliran apa?

Tomorrow is the day where I will choose which class am I to go next year. This process is also known as streaming. Pening Kepala! I myself do not know what am I to be when I grow up. Apa nak jadi lah!! I was thinking about taking accountancy and economics and an extra subject which is Visual Arts. And I was also thinking about just taking just VISUAL ARTS and TASAWWUR ISLAM. But if I take the ARTS and TASAWWUR ISLAM class, there would not be a wide choices for me to go to university after my SPM because people who were assigned to this class usually the "not so rajin" people and I may not have any friends there. But my SPM results would be the BOMB if I take ARTS and TASSAWUR ISLAM. My sister said it was an easy class, and her SPM results for TASSAWUR ISLAM was THE BOMB. But, the problem is that if I take that particular class, I would not have any friends. So, I think I would go and take accountancy and economics. NO SCIENCE STREAM! Don't put that in my head! so,,
until then,
ouh, life after PMR

So, right after PMR. Shasha, Yasmin and I went to breakfast at the Old Town White Coffee kopitiam in Plaza Massalam. It was fun because we get to chat, gossiping and laughing around with no guilty feeling in our head telling us to"pegi belajar pegi belajar." (urgh I'm glad thats over!) Anyway, after that we went home..
At home, there were like 88 messages in my inbox! Inviting me to go to their open houses and stuffs. So, I decided not to go any of it except for closes friends and family only. After that, I slept the whole day! I dream about everything and anything!
On saturday Atiq,Saffy and I went to sunway lagoon. We had so much FUN! we hang at the surf beach, we ride the roller coaster and we gossip. But I never knew that my friends were afraid of roller coaster and topsy turvy rides.. -.-" boring kan dorang? I know,
That night, I went out partying!! haha, it was fun seeing my friends and dance with them, kutuk-ing the people there and stuffs, and of course they were too drunken to remember any of that! -.-"
On sunday, I went beraya with my mum at her friends house. I get RM100 from that particular house. siot en?
On monday, my friends and I went to sunway and watch house bunny and KAMI the movie! OMG, KAMI the movie was fucking good seyh! House bunny makes me HORNEYH! hahah, I saw Siti there and asked her if she was a virgin and she said she was. So, I planned on to have an Aztec partayh! hahaha,
Today was pfft siket, we went to secret recipe and chat. I saw danny, saffy's BF. As usual he was quite macam orang BISU. haha, but we had a LOT of food. And tomorrow is a schooling day for me, its the day for me to choose my streams. I think I would take accountancy and economics.
until then!
Freedom is mine!
PMR is over!!!!! I so can;t believe it doh! Its the day I've been waiting for,for the whole year KOT! So, c ya everywhere! Because I'm like spending the holidays HERE and some of it in JB! Call me if you wanna see me, I'll get back to you when I;m not busy!
lets repent,

today is the last day of school before PMR, miss two period because I was hanging out with Siti who was obsessing over her BF. Layan kan je lah, haha. Didn't feel like going to school today but I have to take this PMR slip or else I can't sit for my PMR. shitty right? Anyway, to you guys who reads my blog and have anything to say about it just comment on the pink box on the right. Ouh, and I would really appreciate it. Because people at school come up to me and say "ouh best gile your blog" "I like your blog" and some of them are STRANGERS who I do not know. So, comment je, jangan malu malu. And btw, to all the form threes who will be taking their PMR this year. Lets break it on! Ouh and, a little peek at your friend's answers won't hurt.
until then,
p/s on the 17th of october at 9.31 am strikes! Freedom is Mine
PMR! this monday,
Good luck to the form threes! Lets show them what we got, we could end this war with 8 sweet freaking A's. Let's hold our hands and do this together, because this is the time that you're gonna be free. All your freakin best form 3!
until then,
until then,
this is me,

I'm hiding behind those eyes,
I'm drowning behind all the lies,
You could see me fake my life behind a picture,
You could see me fake my life in front of the mirror.
Who am I?
do you know?
not even I know myself,
and I live in ME,
tomorrow I will start a new chapter,
a new beginning,
and a new end.
I will write a new book on a new page,
choose the words carefully,
write it in ink,
in a blank piece of paper.
so HI, I am Nick Raja Adam.
this is me!
I'm drowning behind all the lies,
You could see me fake my life behind a picture,
You could see me fake my life in front of the mirror.
Who am I?
do you know?
not even I know myself,
and I live in ME,
tomorrow I will start a new chapter,
a new beginning,
and a new end.
I will write a new book on a new page,
choose the words carefully,
write it in ink,
in a blank piece of paper.
so HI, I am Nick Raja Adam.
this is me!
First day of Raya

The morning of the first day of raya was annoying, my brother left me at home because I was late to go to solat raya of course my mom got mad at me, so I was like wtvr. After that, I bath and wore my Baju Melayu. It was gold and my pants was a black jeans plus my samping is also gold which is my dad's. But the samping was like "rosak" and my brother blamed me for it and he told my mother and my mom being the usual HER she was also blaming me for it. WTH?! I did not do it lah kong! Anyways, that was like grrr sikit.
After that, we went to auntie Na's house we ate Nasi Dal. To tell you the truth I have not tasted Nasi Dal before but heck that was like the BOMB! We took some pictures using Auntie Na's phone with bob and lala(cousins) and we were also waiting for uncle sufian and my cousins suraya and poi. 15 minutes later, they arrived. It was kinda meriah and we gossip about Ekin and Mawi, haha. And my cousin Suraya brought her cool shades. Jason Mraz look a like shades la, and menda tu boleh lipat lipat. It was very cute and stylish. So, my siblings and I was like thinking to get one of those since it can be lipat lipat! haha.. Then abang poi took some pictures with his digital camera. It was kinda fun and a warm celebration of pagi raya. Plus, I did collect about 3 angpows from that house. awesome ah!
Right after that, my family and I went to my sister punya in laws house at gombak, yeah I saw baby Ezekiel and kiss him like I was going to eat him and of course he cried! ahaa! We ate rendang and ketupat plus lemang. Ouh and theres some lontong. I collect 4 angpows at that particular house! haha, fucking rich ouh!
At about 3.30pm we went to Uncle Sufian's house at wangsa maju. We ate some Harisa(johor's dish) and some secret recipe cake! yummy! After that my mum and my cousin talk talk talk because we were waiting for my other cousin Kak Naya. After she arrived, she talk with my family as well and we had some laugh here and there. So, after that we took some pictures and collect my angpows, ouh and Uncle Sufian give me my Dad's songkok which he left there 5 years ago! haha..
At the end of the raya celebration, we went to our family friends house at Pantai Hill Park, we ate some ketupat and kuah kacang plus some daging dinding KOT! it was soo pedas! haha but sedap. And I collect about 2 angpows there! And after that, we went straight back home because everyone feels like we're gonna POOP.
and my duit raya for that day is about 224 ringgit. Alhamdulilah!
until then,
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