The morning of the first day of raya was annoying, my brother left me at home because I was late to go to solat raya of course my mom got mad at me, so I was like wtvr. After that, I bath and wore my Baju Melayu. It was gold and my pants was a black jeans plus my samping is also gold which is my dad's. But the samping was like "rosak" and my brother blamed me for it and he told my mother and my mom being the usual HER she was also blaming me for it. WTH?! I did not do it lah kong! Anyways, that was like grrr sikit.
After that, we went to auntie Na's house we ate Nasi Dal. To tell you the truth I have not tasted Nasi Dal before but heck that was like the BOMB! We took some pictures using Auntie Na's phone with bob and lala(cousins) and we were also waiting for uncle sufian and my cousins suraya and poi. 15 minutes later, they arrived. It was kinda meriah and we gossip about Ekin and Mawi, haha. And my cousin Suraya brought her cool shades. Jason Mraz look a like shades la, and menda tu boleh lipat lipat. It was very cute and stylish. So, my siblings and I was like thinking to get one of those since it can be lipat lipat! haha.. Then abang poi took some pictures with his digital camera. It was kinda fun and a warm celebration of pagi raya. Plus, I did collect about 3 angpows from that house. awesome ah!
Right after that, my family and I went to my sister punya in laws house at gombak, yeah I saw baby Ezekiel and kiss him like I was going to eat him and of course he cried! ahaa! We ate rendang and ketupat plus lemang. Ouh and theres some lontong. I collect 4 angpows at that particular house! haha, fucking rich ouh!
At about 3.30pm we went to Uncle Sufian's house at wangsa maju. We ate some Harisa(johor's dish) and some secret recipe cake! yummy! After that my mum and my cousin talk talk talk because we were waiting for my other cousin Kak Naya. After she arrived, she talk with my family as well and we had some laugh here and there. So, after that we took some pictures and collect my angpows, ouh and Uncle Sufian give me my Dad's songkok which he left there 5 years ago! haha..
At the end of the raya celebration, we went to our family friends house at Pantai Hill Park, we ate some ketupat and kuah kacang plus some daging dinding KOT! it was soo pedas! haha but sedap. And I collect about 2 angpows there! And after that, we went straight back home because everyone feels like we're gonna POOP.
and my duit raya for that day is about 224 ringgit. Alhamdulilah!
until then,
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