I am the male version of Blair Woldorf-- Since everyone wants to be Chuck, -.-" Nate archibald is just pretty and Dan is my least favorite character because he is just so ntah ape ape. I hate Vanessa also. hmph. Georgina is pshycho. IDK why, but for the first time.. I hate villains like Georgina.
hmph, Serena is like a dumb blonde and Jenny is a wannabe. So, Blair is the only one left. :)
This is why I'm the male version of Blair Woldorf:
1. She is pretty and I'm good looking.
2. Her friends I mean armies follows her around like mine does.
3. She is a true friend like I am.
4. She's mean when she wants to be mean--Well, sometimes I'm mean too. I guess.. hmmm?
5. She is very straight forward and I am too.
Blair and I we;re meant to be together on earth and in heaven! Blair and I are forever! hehehe!
Anyway, lets cut that shit!
Today, nothing special happen yet. Except for the fact that I hate the thoughts of me thinking about this girl which I do not hate but just annoyed with her existence in the world. She is so perky and sometimes I think she needs attention like everyone needs to give her the spotlight and when her bestfriends out do her. She would make a sulk face and I feel like slapping her. Well sorry FRIEND, have not you heard? I'm the only one who gets the attention here. :)
I really really like her as my friend! She is my bestfriend, but then right now she just gone too far! I mean, I do not and never will want to broke our friendship. On the brightside, she is kind and forgiving and sometimes funny. And on the bad side, she is an annoying, attention seeking girl! I mean, I know everyone is not perfect. But then, at least some of us tries to be one.
I hope she realise that whatever she did to me was wrong and I just do not understand why in the first place did she do that to me. Its like you are trying to say that I am a desperate guy and I'm chasing after you like your so hot! hmph :( whatever lah! Just to let you know, I am not desperate and I do not rush things!
until then,
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