Love can make you feel so funny, no house no car not even money.
current song listening: hanya sekali by feminin
Anyway, today I went to extreme park again. Today was a fun day. nanti la update! I'm listening to pop 90s girls malay songs. F E M I N I N!
these is what my DOGS are like :)
Remember when I said that if I hate you I would call you a DOG. Even if I do not know you but you act like your cool but obviously your not! You are like a dog to me :) These is how my dogs act:
- I hate it when you show me that you SMOKE! Please, I hate it when people smoke just to show their coolness. Please man, your not!
- I hate it when you really really think that you are the hottest girl/guy alive! Because you are just NOT! You are a pathetic lil dogs :)
- I hate it when you use shades in a building or when its raining or worse! At night! Did you just have an eye laser treatment or something?
- I hate it when people think that you can't be a photographer when you do not have DSLR camera. It does not work that way bitch! Having a DSLR camera does not makes you a photographer, it makes you a DSLR camera owner! Ya got that?
- I hate it when people accused me to be something that I'm not! For an example; My aunt said to his son that I am a bad influence. FUCK YOU AUNT! I only take him to the movies with my friends who happen to be girls. Well, thank you god! Because she does not know what her children are like behind her back! At least my mom do!
- I hate it when the teachers decide the future for us! Its what I am interested into! Its not your life! Its mine! This goes to Rosliyah of course! yeah! I hate you! Like everyone hates you!
- I hate it when people get too emotional over a JOKE! And I hate those people who gets MERAJUK too long! Please, I don't do no merajuk!
every me and every you

Enough fashion talk. Lets talk about my life,
Today was another Nick day! I love my Nick day! :) I'm still stuck on the gossip girl series book :) I'm starting to feel like becoming the male version of blair woldorf! She's so dramatic and so ME! ahaha. Anyway, Ezekiel a.k.a my favorite nephew came over just now! He is so effin cute man! I feel like eating him! haha :)
Nothing interesting ever really happens today though :/ bummer. I'm suppose to go to UOX in zouk but then my sister did not mention anything so, another saturday night spent at home :)
Gosh! I'm hating those 2 bitches. NOTE TO YOURSELF: The people that I hate, I would call them DOGS. sorry :) ouh, and lets just hope your not one of my dogs.
Ouh, typical Nick day again :)

I just love my typical Nick day! I'm already bored with my upbeat and happening schedule. It's not that I'm busy with my studies but I'm busy having F U N! Maybe because it has been soo long since I felt freedom in my soul! Last year was my PMR year, even when the PMR exams are over. I still did not felt the freedom that I am feeling right now because I was too busy thinking about the results--So, now I am having a little too much of FUN. A little too much on having fun makes me bored! I need to concentrate more on my studies :) I really do! I need to make up for what I have failed to achieved which was at least 4As and above in my PMR. Fuck PMR yaw! Its over. And I'm glad that I could get it over and done with :) even if they offered me to re-take my PMR. I would so turn it down! I do not want to go through the nerve wracking emotion ride of a roller coaster thingy again!
Anyway, a typical Nick day requires a good internet connection, guitar and a test pad for me to write songs, a gossip girl book,tv and a loooooonnnnggggg NAP! GOSH! A little relaxation from having fun sure is FUN! haha.
I've decided to not be addicted to the internet for 24/7 because I really really need to catch up on my Accounts and Add Maths! Study I must! I have a whole lot of incomplete homeworks that needs to be completed! DAMN! :/ hmph! Anyway, thats it for today I guess. Update with ya later! ta!
until then,
its been a looooonnnnnggg time
Sorry if you readers have been waiting for me to update my ouh so special blog. Well, the reason that I hve not been updating my blog is because my internet has gone fucked up lately and I do not have any interesting stories to tell you.
ok, so here's some update just to keep you fresh from my life A G A I N!
1. remember the post about C and S having some misunderstanding with A? well, they make up like I said they would. Yes, sometimes BFF can make you go WTF. True friends don't fight too long people :)
2. I've wrote 2 new songs but my brother took his lap top away and my Acer laptop have no video recording webcam. We can only take pictures with it -.-"
3. Now A and N are having some fights! N is not Nick. But someone else. A little misunderstanding and some catfights! There is nothing more that I love than catfights! *purr*
But, this one will have a boring ending! I bet they would kiss and make up too.
4. Ouh, Amirul Acap and Anne are lovers made in heaven! Thanks to me that they're in love! I'm proud of myself!
5. I can understand economics better! Accounts is WTH!? Anyway, I'm gonna go for art classes to polish my artistic skills :)
hehe. Thats it I guess. I promise you that I will update this everyday!
until then
ok, so here's some update just to keep you fresh from my life A G A I N!
1. remember the post about C and S having some misunderstanding with A? well, they make up like I said they would. Yes, sometimes BFF can make you go WTF. True friends don't fight too long people :)
2. I've wrote 2 new songs but my brother took his lap top away and my Acer laptop have no video recording webcam. We can only take pictures with it -.-"
3. Now A and N are having some fights! N is not Nick. But someone else. A little misunderstanding and some catfights! There is nothing more that I love than catfights! *purr*
But, this one will have a boring ending! I bet they would kiss and make up too.
4. Ouh, Amirul Acap and Anne are lovers made in heaven! Thanks to me that they're in love! I'm proud of myself!
5. I can understand economics better! Accounts is WTH!? Anyway, I'm gonna go for art classes to polish my artistic skills :)
hehe. Thats it I guess. I promise you that I will update this everyday!
until then
Ok new blog!
Wait! I am still keeping Nick Lagenda.. *wheew
I'm just gonna make another BLOG in my account, so I have 2 blogs! Nick Lagenda a.k.a Diary violated is about me and my life. Where as. The other BLOG which I will make afterwards is all about GOSSIPS and FASHION and BULETINS! Make sure you guys/girls check it out!
I'm just gonna make another BLOG in my account, so I have 2 blogs! Nick Lagenda a.k.a Diary violated is about me and my life. Where as. The other BLOG which I will make afterwards is all about GOSSIPS and FASHION and BULETINS! Make sure you guys/girls check it out!
valentine's day
Ouh, I'm being sweet like 100kg of sugar! haha, I sms'ed nikki a part of my lyrics. Tomorrow maybe, I might buy her chocolates to gain her some weight hehe. I sms Siti as well. haha!
C U P I D !
haha, I just did some random wonderful things to my bestfriend Anne. Anne, often--Wait, I mean ALWAYS have a LOSER for a boyfriend. Like seriously with the capital L! First things first. Her boyfriends are all ugly or fat. From Meyy, to Ben to Min. They all are like yuckish. Meyy, is okay la compared to the rest of them. Meyy is my bestfriend too but he's so P O Y O! He's those one LAZARA slaves. Anyway,Ben is a wannabee and wannabee usually don't go well with me. Min, is a form 3 student -.-" Like he's often jealous when Anne is hanging out with me. GOTOHELL! haha. Anyway, luckily for Anne, I have this friend Acap who is smart, and the girls said that he's hot plus sweet. So, why not let them be together. Like yeah, Anne is hot and sweet and smart! But Anne and Acap never met before! Like, they are like strangers to each other. So, one day. I was IMing with Acap and give him Anne's myspace and so he added Anne up and he ask me for her number. On the other hand. My friends as in Saf and Atiq always talks about Acap in front of Anne and so Anne is dying to meet this Acap guy so, I gave Acap her number. On Saturday night, Acap called Anne like our of the blues and they were sweet talking. There was this KAMPUNG part where he calls Anne Juliet and Acap was romeo. -.-" I don't understand why they say Romeo and Juliet is a romantic love story whatever BULL! It's depressing ok and JULIET is like rushing to be with romeo and stuffs! Love is like arts, we dont RUSH arts! Anyway, they were on the phone together for 3 days! From saturday, sunday and monday! 24/7 on the phone! But they have not yet seen each other than. So, today Acap came to my house and we "STUDIED" for a while and gossip about things. After that, at 3.. Anne called and asked Acap and I to go to her house. So, we did. And they met eachother for the first time! At first, Acap was shy and he was blushing like nobody's business. Anne was saying that he's weird. But I convince her that he is NOT! And so, I left them together in a room for 2 hours!!! And when I come back I so did not believe that they both MAKE OUT! I was so embarrass! I never ever interrupt couples making OUT before! hahah! Yeah! hahahaha! I think that was their first kiss. First kiss at 16? hahah!! W O W! lambatnya! haha! Yeah! haha Anne is such a bitch and that is why she's my friend! haha. And so, Acap is falling head over heels for Anne. Anne is falling HEAD over Hells for Acap! Thanks to ME that they're in love! :)
Happy Valentine's day!
Happy Valentine's day!
Finish everything!

Since my mum is not home because she was mad at me. And so, she leave me here alone from yesterday until today! I mean seriously, there is some issues that my mum needs to settle! Like really, I said I do not wanna follow her and thats it! She's being sensitive and did not call nor talk to me for 2 days -.-" Yeayea, whatever! I don't even care! She broke every inch of my heart like A WHOLE lot of times! But I never did care because she was my mom. And now, just because I won't follow her to go to my sisters house or help her fill her petrol. She's being sensitive! Plus, if she did not say that I am crazy in LOVE which I am not! Because my cousin told her that I have a GF which I do not! And she rather believe my cousin's side of the story rather than mine! I would follow her to my sister's house. But she keeps nagging at me from Saturday! So, I need some peace and quiet ME time! Plus, I've got a lot of homeworks to do-- which is the other reason that I can't go to my sister;s house :) My mum only thinks the negative side of me. She thinks that I had spent 24/7 on the net which I do not! I complete my homework before she gets back from work! And, after she comes home from work, she would see me on the net and so she assume that I am on the net 24/7! If I ever assume anything about her she would become a monster and nags somemore! I love my mum! I really do! I tell her everything about my life and I do not lie to her! But then, there is a certain point that I want to be alone and have peace! Well, I prefer most of the time to spent time with her. I prefer everyday of my life to be spent with her! But I really really really really can't stand her naggings! GAHH! and so, Its already 12am and no one is home! I wonder why..
MOMMA! ure weird ! >:(
URGH my god! Since yesterday my mom is being an annoying women! Its annoying to the core! She's turning to a monster! Sumpah scary! I hate her yesterday and today also! She's soo yuckish and annoying! Like, I love her but urgh! She spoils my whole weekend! From morning, she would nag nag nag and feels like her childrens are like being rude when we're not! Its just her, PARANOID moments! She talks to me when I'm asleep and when I can't even fucking realise that she's talking to me. And the worst part is, she said that I agreed to help her to go here and there but I did not! I was sleeping! She's smart and stupid sometimes. Before this, she left me alone in the house when she's out with her friends and stayed at her friends house and that was OK. So, today she wants to sleep at my sister's house and I do not want to follow her because I wanna avoid her annoying-ness and I wanna be alone like for a second without her nagging the whole weekend. And she got extra sensitive and said that I'm in LOVE! she said that I gila bercinta! LIKE what the fuck! Aku bercinta dgn sape sial?! I wrote love songs and she said that I'm in love that is why I dont wanna follow her! She's never like this before! She even said that my sister have love bites! OMG! She's soo melayu! I know my sister and she should know her daughter well! Lovebites? Like wth?! My sister have been working 24/7 and she can't even talked on the phone for one fucking minute but she have time for LOVEBITES?! Gila ke? Urgh, my mom is not talking to me right now! Because she thinks that I'm in love and so I forget about her! GAHH!
sick, procrastinating and oh, it never stops!
It's like I've brought last year's disease this year. It's hard to recover from procrastination. I get tempted easily. Internet's calling and the TV and oh FOOD! Precious delicious food! I wish that there is a procrastination rehab. I would so got there. Procrastinating is a bad thing! It's like devil child! I mean, it is because of procrastination my PMR results went BAD! I know I can do this. I want to complete every homework the teachers gave me. Like I really do! I wanna change! Ouh please, dear GOD let me change! I don't only talk to you when I need you. I'm gonna start talking to you everyday all day! gahh!
Anyway,-- Today, I had a slight fever and yes I did not go to school because of that. Besides that, I did not complete my homework but my mom does not know that, she thinks that I skipped school because of the fever thing. But I did not lie. I did have fever. And the weird thing is, Siti(bestest friend in like the whole entire universe) had fever too! We're like match made in heaven and destiny is waiting for us to be together. But nah, haha. I guess, thats what you get having a best friend that hangs out with you like 24/7 every day and tells you everything. Its like you have another twin.
GAHH! Nick, homework NOW!-- heart is telling me that but my body says "wait, you have to complete this post firts" so yeah! My body is evil!
Anyway, thats it. Finally I'm listening to my heart!
until then,
girlfriends fights: Juicylicous

Around 15 minutes later, A called them and ask them where they were. They were on their way to S's boyfriend house. A got mad because she was left at the apartment waiting for them. But C and S told me that they don't know A was coming along until like 30 minutes later. So, the girlfriends are fighting and I've heard the "things" that I may not expected to hear from their associates.
Well, Nick loves a great cat fight! But, watching C being sad and stuffs, melted my heart and hope that those bitches would get back together as friends in one piece :)
I think I'm getting crazy,
Everything around me is sexy,
ouh baby!
garr! Anyway, I'm sooo tired today. After school, I slept through out the whole effin day! haha,
I slept at 3 until 7. haha! Fucking tired weyh!
Anyway, today I'm in my GARR mode. Because I've been seeing tight and big asses through out the whole day. If its not in front of my eyes then its in my head! Everyone look soo cute doing the GARR thing!

Monday: Jamming with a family friend and the most embarrassing thing happen! Forgot to wear deodorant because I was in a rush that morning because of Mom's nagging. And apparently, the whole room smells of my BO! shit -_-"
Tuesday: Went to the CURVE with Anne, Cash and some of Anne's friends who I think is soo annoying! gahh! Anyways, I went and watch Bride Wars! haha and had meatballs in Ikea. :)
Wednesday: Stayed at home finishing the gossip girl series :) love it soo much! wah! Chuck is my favorite character but everyone I mean EVERYONE wants to be Chuck Bass. So, I'm like the Male version of Blair Woldorf. Stylish, sexy, bad and a true friend! Plus, she still is a VIRGIN just like me! I am not tacky :)
Thursday: Lepak/stripping day at Anne's house. Had a lot of "lepaking"-- yeah! haha. Lots of eating and stalking happen that day :)
Friday: Met Siti Amirah! Finally!! She had alot of PROBLEMS to tell. So, as a good bestfriend I am. I cheer her up and ask her to come with me to Faqiha's pre-farewell party. Yeah, she looks kinda CHEERED until she saw this guy she hate. screw the guy babe! And after that, she lepak with me until 8.30pm! haha. ILOVEHER most! :)
Saturday: Went lunch with Mom at subang parade. She wants to get herself a Birthday present. And soo, she did! haha. I bought myself a lip balm and two chocolate puddings! yummayh! After that, I meet Siti again because she was suppose to be my date for Faqiha's farewell bbq party! So, I dress up and meet her at the swimming pool. Lepak for a moment and went to the party! It was fun! Sexytime everywhere! haha!
Sunday: Woke up in the morning because it was my Mom's bday. So, my sisters brought her shopping at this boutique called nana g which was located in Bangsar. So, as a good brother I am.. I followed them shopping -.-" After that, we went to my sister's house and I slept for 3 hours! haha. And I did not even played with Ezekiell! So, that is how tired I am "temaning" my sisters and my mom SHOPPING! At 8, we went for a Birthday dinner until 11. And now, I'm at home.. I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!
A little note for Faqiha:
Babe, first of all congratulations because you are one of the 15 girls out of thousands who applied for the All Girls Boarding School called Sri Putri and you've GOT in to that well known school! And I will miss you alot! promise me that we would still hang out every friday at OTWC when your back home yah?! lotsoflove from Nick :)
A little note for Fatin Diyanah:
OK. I did not expected that you were going this fast to KELANTAN! Like hello! Kelantan is like 7 hours drive from Shah Alam ok! I will miss you most baby! I will write a whole post about you tomorrow. But then, congratulations because you've got MRSM doh! haha, the best and well known boarding school ever! I will miss you sooo much! You and Faqiha are one of the reasons I go to school! lotsoflove from Nick :)
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