Monday: Jamming with a family friend and the most embarrassing thing happen! Forgot to wear deodorant because I was in a rush that morning because of Mom's nagging. And apparently, the whole room smells of my BO! shit -_-"
Tuesday: Went to the CURVE with Anne, Cash and some of Anne's friends who I think is soo annoying! gahh! Anyways, I went and watch Bride Wars! haha and had meatballs in Ikea. :)
Wednesday: Stayed at home finishing the gossip girl series :) love it soo much! wah! Chuck is my favorite character but everyone I mean EVERYONE wants to be Chuck Bass. So, I'm like the Male version of Blair Woldorf. Stylish, sexy, bad and a true friend! Plus, she still is a VIRGIN just like me! I am not tacky :)
Thursday: Lepak/stripping day at Anne's house. Had a lot of "lepaking"-- yeah! haha. Lots of eating and stalking happen that day :)
Friday: Met Siti Amirah! Finally!! She had alot of PROBLEMS to tell. So, as a good bestfriend I am. I cheer her up and ask her to come with me to Faqiha's pre-farewell party. Yeah, she looks kinda CHEERED until she saw this guy she hate. screw the guy babe! And after that, she lepak with me until 8.30pm! haha. ILOVEHER most! :)
Saturday: Went lunch with Mom at subang parade. She wants to get herself a Birthday present. And soo, she did! haha. I bought myself a lip balm and two chocolate puddings! yummayh! After that, I meet Siti again because she was suppose to be my date for Faqiha's farewell bbq party! So, I dress up and meet her at the swimming pool. Lepak for a moment and went to the party! It was fun! Sexytime everywhere! haha!
Sunday: Woke up in the morning because it was my Mom's bday. So, my sisters brought her shopping at this boutique called nana g which was located in Bangsar. So, as a good brother I am.. I followed them shopping -.-" After that, we went to my sister's house and I slept for 3 hours! haha. And I did not even played with Ezekiell! So, that is how tired I am "temaning" my sisters and my mom SHOPPING! At 8, we went for a Birthday dinner until 11. And now, I'm at home.. I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!
A little note for Faqiha:
Babe, first of all congratulations because you are one of the 15 girls out of thousands who applied for the All Girls Boarding School called Sri Putri and you've GOT in to that well known school! And I will miss you alot! promise me that we would still hang out every friday at OTWC when your back home yah?! lotsoflove from Nick :)
A little note for Fatin Diyanah:
OK. I did not expected that you were going this fast to KELANTAN! Like hello! Kelantan is like 7 hours drive from Shah Alam ok! I will miss you most baby! I will write a whole post about you tomorrow. But then, congratulations because you've got MRSM doh! haha, the best and well known boarding school ever! I will miss you sooo much! You and Faqiha are one of the reasons I go to school! lotsoflove from Nick :)
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