Since my mum is only going to send me to UiTM while my dream college would be a private one. This is because my sisters all went to UiTM and it would not be fair if I'm the only one who would go to a private college. Its not that I hate UiTM, but its because that there would be a high chance for me to go to UiTM Perak instead of going to UiTM Shah Alam -.-" That is so far away from my friends,MY MOM and from KL. So, thank you god:
There is this competition sponsored by Pizza Hut and The Star where all you have to do is create a mini magazine based on a topic. And I the topic this year is "Teen Angst." You have to create a 4 page spread of articles, pictures, interview and a feature story. You also have to create a 3 minute video based on your magazine.
Its a TEAM kinda thing, so my team members are all girls because guys? I can't depend on them. They're lazy like me. So, my teammates are Nikki, Yasmin and Sya. Not only they have the looks but Nikki have that determination, Yas have the brain and Sya is kinda hard working amongst four of us. And Nick-- Well, I'm me. creative. :)
The prizes are--
Well, I'm just going to mention the GRAND PRIZE which is a RM100 000 pre-u scholarship in TAYLORS COLLEGE for EACH OF US! Like wtfuck right? When the teacher said that at first, I was having pulpatations. Its like drinking 10 million coffee. Anyway, besides that- an all paid trip to go to Sibu Island Resort for 3 days 2 nights. W O W! And I'm the only guy. GARR!! But Sibu island is in Johor. The last time I went there was when my dad was still alive and I was still in kindergaten. go figure :)
Ok, so TEEN ANGST? Its not as EASY as it sounds. Obviously, you guys would suggest drug abbuse, smoking, pre-maritial sex and bla bla bla. But I want my magazine to be something unique and different. Something that EVERYONE wants to read it and stuff like that. Because MY TEAM has already set an EYE for the scholarship. It won't be yours-- It would be ours!
anyway anyway anyway
I have this feeling that after my SPM I would be having a horrible celebration because I have this weird feeling that I have been chosen to go to PLKN (national service). And if I don't get this scholarship-- GOSH! UITM PERAK, here I come :(
so please don't make me go to UiTM PERAK.
that would be awful! P E R A K? Like what do you have there? Even SAF is going to college in KL.
until then,
p/s wish me luck ;)