It has been so long since I last updated my blog. Well, this is because--oh just because. I'm lazy.
Lets start last friday where I skipped school just to accompany Sya to watch Confession Of A Shopaholic. Well, I have read the book. Obviously, the book is much more better than the movie. But the movie seems much more FUNNIER compared to the book. Because you could actually SEE Rebecca Bloomwood live in action. How clumsy she is and how clueless she is. She's just funny. Although she is funny, but my favorite character is Alicia Bitch Longlegs. haha. Because she's hot.
Anyway, after the movie we went and have mcdonalds-- GOSH! FOOD was heaven. Because on Friday, we meet eachother at Mahligai and the restraunt was not open yet plus, we're lazy to go to pelita. I mean--THEY were lazy to go to pelita. So, I waited until 3pm to eat -.-"
After lunch, we hanged out outside of Sunway, taking pictures and make jokes and laugh. It was fun though. But then, Sya and the gang have to go back home early because Anis has to see her grandmother. So, Nina and I went to see Nikki at asian avenue.
We took pictures at this shop where they sell weird stuffs. It was fun. I mean for Nikki and Nina it was because I was making jokes and stuff like that. After that, we went back home.
The Mr.TAXI driver was being such a bitch. Because HE did said okay to send me to section 9 after he sent Nikki to section 13. But, after we arrived at Nikki;s house he went and go somewhere but it was heading towards the highway. and I was like "pak cik, kata nk hanta saya pergi seksyen 9" but that bitch was like "dekat resit ni tak ada pun" and I said "saya bayar la pak cik" and then he said "tak kisah la, awak bayar ke tak bayar tapi saya nak pergi ke sunway sekarang ni." I was like "ey. stop saya dekat sini sekarang jugak! mintak tolong sikit pun tak boleh. bodoh! sb tu jadi taxi driver" and it was somewhere heading towards the highway -.-" And he stopped me there.
I walked towards section 13 shops area while it rained. My clothes were wet and GOSH! I hate that fucker. I called Atiq to pick me up. But Atiq being Atiq-- he called my mum to pick me up. -.-"
Taxi Drivers like that should go to hell!
until then,
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