Wow, I love this fashion blog-- www.jakandjil.com
its so fashionably fashionable, like me :)
anywho, Accounts was effin hard okay, and I only answered 2 questions and I'm not even sure that the 2 questions that I answered would be all correct. I've been thinking to drop accounts and add commerce and tassawur islam. boleh la tu, accnts mcm babi. I hate it :/
BFF shopping day nak dekat honeeyyy. I hope that theres leather pants and short pants :) Its been a while since my last shopping day, and I hope that it will be as cheap as it is in JB. Please oh dearest god !
Anyway, theres only 2 more papers left and after that I can rest my mind in peace. I can type much more slower, I hate typing fast because my mom said its time to study. I hate rushing. Lets take it to the chill bill and take a chill pill :)
until then,
p/s freedom is mine tomorrow :) ilysm!
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