Well, just so you know. My drama brother keeps on saying to my mum that his lap top which I always use is not working very well and he blame it on me. So, I did not touch his lap top ever since and my own lap top is going to die soon. So, I don't got no internet connection except at Atiq's house--Using his laptop that is going to die soon too. :(
You know I have this internet addiction problem right? I swear I do. I got nervous just now because it has been almost a week since I blog. I do go online at school for like a few minutes but just to check any mails, picture comments or comments. And now, I'm in my room secretly using my brothers lap top and tak ada apa apa rosak pun. :)
Besides that, I have been well kinda busy lately. The F1 competition is really around the corner. Wait, its not around the corner. It has passed the corner and now its going straight. Thank you god, proposals and sponsorship letters has been sent to various companies via e-mail. Their Coperate Communication personal e-mail :) And 3 of them has emailed me back and they said that they will get back at me as soon as possible. I hope that is a good sign.
The seniors said that it is going to be very stressful for me. But so far, I think I'm doing fine. I do get GUBRA when thnings do not go my way. But I keep telling myself that everything is going to be fine and my team could do their best in this competition. And I hope the other team would too. But the other team and some of my team members are like keeping secrets from eachother and the other team Resource Manager wants to help my team but some of her team members tak bagi. And I want to do the same thing for her, but some of my team members said NO.
So, whtever. I only want to get my work done.
I got to go now. FAST! I hear my moms footsteps and I have a feeling that she is heading to my room right this very moment. Ciao! Kiss kiss hug hug :)
until then,
oh and P/S- Wish me the best of luck.
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