Remember my friend C right? Yea I'm sure you do. I'm here to say that she is no longer a character in my life. I think she has just been ditch by me. I do not take wannabe friends like her. Its not that I am being a BITCH or anything like that. It is just that she likes the new HER and I had try my best to tell her that she gotta slow it down a little bit from being wild because I know being the kind of girl is not her. Its like she is a stranger. But she said that people change. And I guess if people change then their friendship changes to.. Right? And I do not even want to see her skin.. Because it would make it easier for me to forget her. I do not wanna have any friendship relationship with C anymore. So,if you are reading this. Bye C. Talk to me when you have change to the original C. But I guess that is impossible.
Untill then "C"
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