It looks like someone has turn you in to the teacher "A". Well.. He is my friend and he is proud that his gay. But hye, Its ok.. It is his choice.. And it is not ATIQ.. His not GAY! Not even ME.. But there is someone in that school who really is.
Well, theres this BITCH in the school who everyone hates. He is FAT,DARK,ANNOYING and a PERVERT SOB. His DAVID JOHN.. Yea, for his sake I don;t mind using his name. Everyone hates him right? Well if you do, you may cmmnt at the pink box. And give me reasons about why you hate him.
I hate him because his obnoxious and smelly.. Plus, he thinks that he is very good at that beat box thing. But, NOT! he is just a wannabe and try to set a trend THAT everyone know its soo last year. FYI, setting trend is about going FORWARD not BACKWARD.
Anyways, to A. You know who you are right? Well, David John just told the teacher that you were gay. yeah. And how would I know? I over heard him talking to the teacher. And one of my friend B told me. But B told me not to tell anybody. But hey, DAVID JOHN deserves it!
until then,
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