today we planned to watch HISTERIA at Jusco Kinta City. The morning was awesome! I never knew I could wake up at 5am in the morning.. I went for my Subuh prayers and went back to bed.. But I only slept for 3 hours and woke up at 8am. The hallway in front of my room makes the house much more perfect because the hallway has a BIG window and a vintage themed balcony which I am in LOVE with. And when the sun rise in the morning at the hallway window, I suddenly feel like having tea. So, I went down the stairs and go through the dining hall which was connected to the kitchen and have 2 toast and a cup of tea.
After all the relaxing that I had in the morning, I bathed and shampoo-ed my hair and get dress to go and watch HISTERIA. I was wearing my pink hearts polka dots white shirt and a green short pants and I put my cardigan on and just buttoned one button at a middle. For my accesories, I wear my big square 60s sunglasses and a BAMBI necklace around my neck. And so I guess I looked perfect for movies right?
Arriving at Kinta City, we went straight to the food court because Saf's NEEDED to buy some donuts. We shared some donuts and I ate a set of Unagi don which was delicious and Atiq had some yong tau foo that he shared with Saf..
After lunch, we went straight to the movies and watch Histeria.. The movie was not too bad, it's something different than the other malay horror/thriller flick because the story line was ok. But the ghost was NOT! The ghost was not SCARY at all!! But so and so, the movie was not that bad.. I would give it 4/10 through out the whole movie. :)
We went back home to wait for Nabilah to arrived..
After nabilah had arrived, Saf's parents ask us to get ready because they want to take us for dinner and bring us to the flea market! The food was delicious!! Kueay tiow goreng had never tasted so good! Flea market was ok, a lil bit happening compared to some places in Ipoh..
anyway, I hve to sleep now. Gotta go to Pulau Pangkor at 7am! update with ya on christmas eve!!!
until then,
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