I love all my relatives, I really do. But sometimes, the relatives on my dad's side really annoys me.. Well, not ALL of them. My aunty Sah is really cool though, aunty Na and aunty Pah is also not bad. But there is this one aunty of mine. She's the youngest of them all, its Aunty Lo ! Well, its not that I don't love her.. I really do, but its just that she makes a big fuss about the things that I take I as a joke plus, the JOKE is not for her... I have facebook, she has facebook and she should be happy that I add her up. Because most of my cousins BLOCK her from adding them up. And this certainly shows that I am a good nephew.. But the thing that annoys me the most is that she would tell my mum about what ever happen in facebook. And to make things worst, my mum is in HAJJ now, and when she comes back that aunty of mine would surely tell whatever happen in my facebook. Because of the pictures where I hugged girls, with dirty captions and stuffs. -.-" But thank god I think that my mum won't mind because she knows me better than everyone do.. Anyways, yesterday I posted this survey on facebook and I named that survey "When I'm not tired and my friends are all asleep.. BITCH" and there are some other bad words there. But that survey is for my friends NOT for my aunties, well I bet my other aunties wouldn't mind it.. Its just HER! and then out of the blues, she commented on the survey "This is ur Aunty Lo.....Pls use appropriate language...BITCH is not good!!!I see u grow up...!!!!Pls be more tactful."
I really appreciate that she's looking out for me though, but PUH_LEZZ, your annoying. And for the record, she is 40 something years old and I am just 15 years old. Who the hell would read a 15 year old facebook? Except for my friends though. How should I know that she has no life and read my facebook and make a big FUSS about it..
P/S My aunty on my mum's side reads my BLOG lagi tau! And she don't go making a BIG hoo-haa about it.. She keep it cool though, and she makes joke about my blog lagi!! haha..
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