Sometimes I feel that my friends and some people are going against me. Is it true?
Please, if you hate me just tell me off la weyh!
Don't go and be childish by taking sides
or just go with my flow, if you do not agree with what I say or what I do,
you can just tell me what I did wrong because I give you the permission too.
But do not take sides and 'berkomplot' to attack me because you do not agree with
what I plan or what I say, a slow talk would be good ok?
If you think my answers are wrong when I say it is right,
Then just tell me your reasons why is my answers WRONG.
Don't go and give up and say "ye lah ye lah"
That's so rude!
And NEVER ask me to shut up!
And, if I ever did anything wrong to you, "ACCIDENTALLY" please do not shout or marah me
because you know that does not work with me.
Do not raise your voice at me,
Do not shout at me,
Do not take sides,
and Do not asked me to SHUT UP!
Plus, I am sorry if I ever did anything wrong to you.
Kalau kau tak puas hati dengan aku kan, kau bagitau elok elok sudah!
Tak yah nak marah marah sebab kalau kau marah marah , lagi aku akan buat bertambah teruk
This does not goes to you "S"
this goes to all of my friends and classmates
Please, if you hate me just tell me off la weyh!
Don't go and be childish by taking sides
or just go with my flow, if you do not agree with what I say or what I do,
you can just tell me what I did wrong because I give you the permission too.
But do not take sides and 'berkomplot' to attack me because you do not agree with
what I plan or what I say, a slow talk would be good ok?
If you think my answers are wrong when I say it is right,
Then just tell me your reasons why is my answers WRONG.
Don't go and give up and say "ye lah ye lah"
That's so rude!
And NEVER ask me to shut up!
And, if I ever did anything wrong to you, "ACCIDENTALLY" please do not shout or marah me
because you know that does not work with me.
Do not raise your voice at me,
Do not shout at me,
Do not take sides,
and Do not asked me to SHUT UP!
Plus, I am sorry if I ever did anything wrong to you.
Kalau kau tak puas hati dengan aku kan, kau bagitau elok elok sudah!
Tak yah nak marah marah sebab kalau kau marah marah , lagi aku akan buat bertambah teruk
This does not goes to you "S"
this goes to all of my friends and classmates
:Don't blame me if I intimidate you:
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