wah! Raya is just 2 days away and my shitty PMR is around the corner, how shitty can this be? I am not ready la weyh! But at the same time, I just want to get over it and done with! wah!
I did my shopping yesterday, OMG! That was the best one ever!! I bought two cardigans and like a whole lot of shorts and jeans plus shirts and T-shirts. But my personal favorite is my hush puppies linen shirt! It is like so fucking-ly hot doh! And I bought 2 kasut raya! Thanks to my mom and brother and the duit anak yatim that I got from school. But I think they can give it to someone who needs the money much more then I do. But then again, I'm thankful and hope that you guys who donate for the anak yatim thing will have a MERIAH celebration for raya and murah rezeki. Thank you soo much, I'll repay you someday somehow.
So far, my puasa PENUH and I hope that my pocket would be PENUH with angpow's and duit raya from all of my relatives. Ouh, just now I just came back from seeing Ezekiel (new nephew) he looks all grown up! hahaha.. He will be one month old tomorrow, I can't wait for him to grow up and be all naughty plus sweaty and stuffs! To me, naughty kids are very cute! betul tak?
"Nick nick nick, bila lah engkau nak belajar ni nick.." that is what my heart always tells me. But my mind is like "Nick, check myspace sekejap je. Ouh, pukul 11.30 ada the nanny kat tv" and I'll end up being stupid until 3 am in the morning! shitshitshit!!!
Trials and post Trials are ooooverrrr! Thank god, my mathematics is improving but my sejarah is like shit! boooooo!! And at the last day of school which was also the last day of my post trials, my friend and I was bored then we ended up taking pictures in front of the class. With those sexy pose and the cute pose to hide our ugliness made our day fun!!
And so, to all my readers! "Sir Lump Mud Hairy Rare Ya Eye Deal Feet Three Moo Liar" get it?
anyways what I am trying to say is "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Mulia!" maaf zahir dan batin!
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