As I told you on the previous post, Nini is a niece of mine who is the family first pride and joy. She is my cousin's daughter and that made her my niece. And she is everyone;s apple in the eye. But what I did not tell you is that she is diagnosed with leukemia. It happen 9 months before and she did go for chemotherapy and was getting better each time but after 9 months of that painful chemo and that soggy feeling after that is just a waste because she relapse. Imagine all of her hair gone and most of all imagine the "mak datin" very weak. She use to be very active and just like all the kids her age act. But she's not that girl anymore.
And three days before, she complain to her mother that she had a headache that is hurt so much. And so her mother thought it was just a normal headache because if the chemo. And suddenly she scream "mummyyy sakit mummy sakit!!" her mother panic and massage her head gently. After that she said that she wanted to go to the toilet and her mother accompanied her there. She observe that her daughter walked like a she could not see and even put on her pants wrongly plus her eyes was like going left and right like a blind girl. Her mother ask "nini nampak mummy tak?" and she said "tak mummy nini tak nampak apa apa!" a few minutes after that she had a cesar her mouth was foamy and her eyes rolled up. The doctor said that her cancer cells attack the brain.. And she had a slip chance of surviving..
I hope that she would survive and be as normal like she was before..
until then,
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