She is the girl who changes her friends through out the year. Because with every year, her friends just hates her. ALOT! She would always wants to interrupt what everyone says even if she is not in the conversation. And for this year. I have to share the same class again with this bitch. She is the pure bitch and I am the pure double the bitch. So,if you mess with me you ought to get worried H.
It was 2 days ago. I was just joking around with my friend NAJLAA I mean I was being annoying around her and she was feeling irritated and at the same time she was laughing and it was like a fun time. And she was doing something stupid.. So I ask her "najlaa kenapa kau ni bodoh huh?" well the BODOH which was just an expression. I did not mean it. And then came H interrupting the conversation "eyh sialnye soalan kau. Kau ingat kau pandai sangat la?!" Najlaa was happy because someone had her back. Anyways I told H "eyh,asal nak masuk campur? aku memain kan dengan najlaa." Then H said "ala memain pun agak agak ar." I just can't take it anymore I looked right into her eyes "Do you know that I hate you? I mean I really do." And then she said "I hate you too." And I was like "good because I do not co-operate with people that I hate." Then I added "So ugly,and yet so stupid." Then she said "Maaf aku melayu." I was like, WTH la this bitch? She does not even understand a very simple english. I was like "bagus la kau tak faham UGLY! you know what? I do not go to your level la weyh. Your KAMPONG,uglyness level does not suit me!"
well,next time if you mess with me again 'H'. You better pray hard that your mom would let you to transfer school!
until then,
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