Mothers are sometimes sugar,spice and everything nice. But sometimes they are just annoying,irritating and scary.
I ask my mom just now whether I can get a T-shirt because I'm like out of one. Then she said "okay." So, I took a bath and getting ready to go shopping. After that, I ask her "when are we going? pukul 3 eh?" And then she was like suddenly get mad at me saying that "If you wanna ask a favor from someone do it with her or his time!!!." I'm like WTH! I asked her. She could just say "IDK" rather than just shouting at me.. URGH! Then I said "tak pe la tak payah beli shirt da." She said that I was a bloody hell KID.. wtver! Thank god she cooked a very delicious lunch just now. She ruin my day! BTW she did not gave me a birthday present for this year and I had never complain when she wants me to go the market with her. And I had waited for 3 months for her to get me some stupid cookies at famous amos.. And now I just want a RM 19.90 T-shirt but I know she would never get me one until it was HARI RAYA..
Later on,
I was using the internet.. Then she said she wants to use it to check her e-mails. And I said "sekejap la ma.I nak gne sampai pukul 5 je lepas tu I nak study" then she said "yeayea you said you will be waking up at 8 am just now to study. but did you? Keling punye budak." Then she starts nagging about she does not want to pay the internet.. I'm soooooo freaking iritated with her right now! Thank God that I love her..urgh! After she used the internet, which took her 30 minutes! She said to me "kau mati tak gune internet?!"
URGH!!!! wtvr la ma!
until then!
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