OMG! I miss my old best friend. YES! of course its LITTLE C!! Damn it.. I miss hanging out with her. Me and her use to go and have lunch or watch some stupid little movies together when its a school holidays. But I guess thats impossible now. Fuck shit! Why la she has to go and be a wannabe. But, even if I hang out with her today I know it would not be as fun like I did hang out with her like before because she has change to someone that I do not know anymore. And guess what? She does not even realize that she has change! Please change to the old YOU fucker! I miss you la bullshit!! And me and her use to be as close like no other person could replace her. But I guess she has found a replacement for me. Yea, I mean I am not SAD or anything because I have my other closes friend. But losing one of them feels like SHIT! And I guess it is true about what they say, "you only would appreciate that someone if him/her is not there".
And now, little C is not talking to me because she felt betrayed that I left her. I guess la. But I still misssss her sooo fucking much!! (ok i give you an example) lets just say that you have this bestfriend and this certain BFF left you for a certain crowd. You would feel like shit right? And so now I am wondering who would feel betrayed most? is it me? or her?
until then,
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