My trial results are better than my mid terms.. But this result is not NICK.. I am prone to get at least 2 to 3 A's.. fuck shit!!

mid terms:
B.Melayu: 56% C
B.Inggeris: 70% B
Science: 50% C
Mathematics: 46% D
Kemahiran Hidup:42% D
Agama: 55% C
Geography: 45% D
History: 40% D

BM: 60% B
BI: 72% B
Science: 48% D
maths: 60% B
K.Hidup: 48% D
Agama: 64% B
Geograpy: 50% C
history: 40% D

just observe the differences!

p/s at least I have no fail!

How am I to get 8 A's with these kinds of results!! Shit!

until then,

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