relax and take the chill pill. You form 3's are in FORM 3!! For god sake, stop having fights just because you heard someone talks bad about you. Hye, this is what I do-- If your friend talks bad about you behind another friends back, IGNORE it because that is the matured thing to do. Oh, and of you can't handle those kinda friends-- Don't make those stupid confrontations in front of the whole school kinda thing. Talk one-on-one and be nice, or ACT nice. It'll always work, Take my advice please and grow up! Life is actually kinda fun without fighting.
well, theres always bitching.
until then,
Oh, critics!

As you know, I was wearing this huge glasses to school--JUST for fun, and it's Yasmin's for god sake. And people do make such a big fuss about it. Chill weyh, glasses je. Have you not seen any of those things? That is what you call spectacles/glasses. You know, some people wear it because they are short sighted or long sighted and some people wear it for the fashion--namely ME
I just realise that BEING different than everyone else makes you a critic magnet. You know, some people sometimes do critic you like they are any better. There was this form 5 stupid girl, and if I see her I hunt her down 6 feet underground-- she was like "ek ele, apahal sial pakai cermin mata besar"
And I was like-- "suka hati la weyh" and gave her my 'don't you mess with me' look. And if you get a closer look at that girl, she is very hideous. And I will find her and hunt her down even if she goes six feet under ground--because that is what I mostly do. I'm an original life ruiner.
And there was this form 3 guy who wore the same glasses. And some thinks that I COPIED his style, well-- NO I did not. And why do y'all care so much? Plus, I wore those glasses before him for a day and none of you notice it. So, its not I'm the one who needs those big glasses. It's you!
sorry la eh, kalau sesiapa terasa--no offence though.
Anyway, in order to be different you got to be the same or don't be different at all *pfft* mother fuck you!
This is what I say-- I am different than you, I do weird stuff and ugly things but I'm hotter and it's true. You have no life so you critic mine, but hay--judge me, I don't care because your not any better and that's fine :)
Oh, and to that tudung form 5 girl who criticizes me. You walk like you have been fucked a thousand times. You know, you could ACTUALLY walk straight not sideways. Since your dumb and stupid and not that straight, so you could attend walking classes made by me. Call me, if you need any help
ttyl, got to get ready for a H U G E family dinner--
until then,
manic monday
currently listening to Bella Luna
Today is just another lazy Monday. My mom woke me up at 7.00-- USUALLY 7.00am in the morning means I'm late for school. But who the hell cares, I took my sweet time shampoo-ing my hair, wash my face with oxy, brush my teeth, dry my hair and wore my uniform and that took me 25 minutes. haha. Since my Mom was going on a holiday for 3 days with her Canadian friend to Kuantan, so she gave me about 40 bucks for the whole week. And now, I'm left with 15-- I wonder what did I do for the rest of the 20 something dollars.
Anyway, at school-- I actually concentrate during Accounts for the first time! Accounts is so much fun and hard. But whatever, I'm kinda good at it-- I think. But since Yasmin and I are having problems about some certain questions, we studied together after school at the Poolside Clubhouse until it was 3.30 and then we walk to my house which only took about 2 minutes and continued studying. I feel so good. in another 15 minutes, I'm going to complete my 3 weeks-procrastinations add maths homework. Yeah, wish me luck!
Oh, and did I mention I wore this huge jhonny depp-look-a-like glasses? haha, some people think its weird and some people think its cool. And the people who thinks it looks weird certainly does not know fashion. Anyway the glasses belongs to yasmin, I just borrowed it from her since she has another one from forever 21.
anyway, gotta continue study now--
until then,
Anyway, at school-- I actually concentrate during Accounts for the first time! Accounts is so much fun and hard. But whatever, I'm kinda good at it-- I think. But since Yasmin and I are having problems about some certain questions, we studied together after school at the Poolside Clubhouse until it was 3.30 and then we walk to my house which only took about 2 minutes and continued studying. I feel so good. in another 15 minutes, I'm going to complete my 3 weeks-procrastinations add maths homework. Yeah, wish me luck!
Oh, and did I mention I wore this huge jhonny depp-look-a-like glasses? haha, some people think its weird and some people think its cool. And the people who thinks it looks weird certainly does not know fashion. Anyway the glasses belongs to yasmin, I just borrowed it from her since she has another one from forever 21.
anyway, gotta continue study now--
until then,
did you?
I'm gonna wake up at 9 and start doing my homework that has been pile up for the last 3 weeks. And I have been procrastinating :/
my bff application form. HAHA
What's your name?
How old are you?
Where do you go to school?
Do you know me?
If I was dying in less than 24 hours, what would you say to me?
How bad do you want to be my bff?
What kind of music do you like?
Do you think that I'm stylish?
What would you do is someone annoys me?
Would you ditch your other friends for me?
Do you think that I'm gay?
What would you want to change about me?
What is my favorite hobby?
What is yours?
What do you do on weekends?
Who is your celebrity dream date?
If I was smoking/drinking/taking drugs in front of you, what would you do?
What do you think about me?
Are you sexy?
Do you like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian?
Which gossip girl character most describe you and why?
If I have this one enemy that happens to be your friend, would you ditch him/her for me?
Do you listen to the songs that I compose on youtube? If so, what is your favorite?
Which one of my friends do you hate the most? And why?
pick one:
Which one of my friends do you love the most? And why?
pick one:
Where do I usually hang out for movies with my friends?
Do you think that I'm cute,handsome or hot?
And last but not least, PLEASE complete the following sentence in less than 20 words:
Nick, I want to be your BFF because......
Good luck, oh and if you want to take this survey-- please reply it on the comment button, not the comment box. get it?
until then,
How old are you?
Where do you go to school?
Do you know me?
If I was dying in less than 24 hours, what would you say to me?
How bad do you want to be my bff?
What kind of music do you like?
Do you think that I'm stylish?
What would you do is someone annoys me?
Would you ditch your other friends for me?
Do you think that I'm gay?
What would you want to change about me?
What is my favorite hobby?
What is yours?
What do you do on weekends?
Who is your celebrity dream date?
If I was smoking/drinking/taking drugs in front of you, what would you do?
What do you think about me?
Are you sexy?
Do you like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian?
Which gossip girl character most describe you and why?
If I have this one enemy that happens to be your friend, would you ditch him/her for me?
Do you listen to the songs that I compose on youtube? If so, what is your favorite?
Which one of my friends do you hate the most? And why?
pick one:
Which one of my friends do you love the most? And why?
pick one:
Where do I usually hang out for movies with my friends?
Do you think that I'm cute,handsome or hot?
And last but not least, PLEASE complete the following sentence in less than 20 words:
Nick, I want to be your BFF because......
Good luck, oh and if you want to take this survey-- please reply it on the comment button, not the comment box. get it?
until then,
could you be the one I want?

hehe. Influenced alot by the Paris Hilton's new BFF show. So, now-- I am searching for a new bff. hehe. Since my current friends/bestfriends are busy.
for an example:
Atiq-busy practicing with his theater career at school. EVERYDAY.
Siti-she;s in section 18, and she has other friends besides me. But I'm first on her list and she's first on mine too. But she has other people to please :)
Anne- She has problems with everything. but not with me. She has strict parents and so, that's kinda a bummer. Because, I don't have strict parents and I have a little bit freedom and my cerfew on weekends is at 12am, while she is before 7pm.
Saf- She's in iPOH! thats all I have to say :)
so far only Yasmin applied.
HAHAHAH! Well, whatever! I still love her though!
if your interested than tell me ;)
its almost the end.
currently listening to: 1 2 3 4 by the plain white t's
I sumpah love that song!
Its almost Friday, and that means--the weekends is near! :)
My plans for this Saturday is going to see Shah Iman at sunway with Yasmin and maybe nabilah to watch Jangan Tegur. I heard that its suppose to be the scariest movie in Malaysia. Anyway, for those of you who adores horror movies, you should definitely watch COMNG SOON! Well, its now showing-- and it will scare the hell out of you! Well, it did to me :)
And on sunday-- I'm gonna finish all my HOMEWORKS! All those 3 weeks homeworks :) YES! I procrastinate alot! I'm gonna start at 7 and after I'm done with my homeworks, I will go and study for my mid terms! I'm scared la! Because I;ve not been paying much attention in class lately, since Yasmin and I kept talking about ghost, gossip girl and alot of stuff! Even Yasmin have not yet completed her homework for how many days now. S H O C K I N G! I know.
I'm going to watch marsha on AF now! bye
until then :)
I sumpah love that song!
Its almost Friday, and that means--the weekends is near! :)
My plans for this Saturday is going to see Shah Iman at sunway with Yasmin and maybe nabilah to watch Jangan Tegur. I heard that its suppose to be the scariest movie in Malaysia. Anyway, for those of you who adores horror movies, you should definitely watch COMNG SOON! Well, its now showing-- and it will scare the hell out of you! Well, it did to me :)
And on sunday-- I'm gonna finish all my HOMEWORKS! All those 3 weeks homeworks :) YES! I procrastinate alot! I'm gonna start at 7 and after I'm done with my homeworks, I will go and study for my mid terms! I'm scared la! Because I;ve not been paying much attention in class lately, since Yasmin and I kept talking about ghost, gossip girl and alot of stuff! Even Yasmin have not yet completed her homework for how many days now. S H O C K I N G! I know.
I'm going to watch marsha on AF now! bye
until then :)
celebrity crush!

You guys may not believe this but I have this huge celebrity crush with an Akademi Fantasia student/singer whatever named Marsha. She participated in Af3 and now she's in Af7 apparently being their warden or something similar to that effect. But I've been in love with her ever since I was in primary 6!! Her eyes are okay but her lips! Its not too pouty or too thin, but its just perfect! And her nose is a pixie like nose that makes her look so perfect! gahh!
Have you ever heard her sing? I bet you don't right? Well, she sings like an Angel! I mean I swear!! She does not shout when she sings like other singer does. Her voice is like the wind and the ocean. Its kinda like Sheila Majid's voice. Well, I guess they have the similar tone of voice. I once saw her but I was star struck and froze there and then. So, she did not notice me as I was being a dumb dummie. -.-"
So family and friends if you are reading this-- I wanna have a girlfriend that can sing and looks exactly like Marsha! :)
until then.
its tuesday !
Where did the excitement in school go?
Today, I woke up from bed at 7.15! Then, I rushed to the toilet, brush my teeth and took my bath. I did not shampooed my hair because I was so so LATE! I wore my uniform, put on some perfume, dry my hair and drank my milo then go to school. Wheew!
Arrive school, I did not go to the hall because I was damn late so I went straight to my class and sat there reading my gossip girl book. After that, we had add maths and life goes on. Today at school I was somehow awfully quiet. Because Nikki had took my place, she was the one who was extra hyper and it get a lil wee bit annoying. So, I let her be. Ouh and today, I made friends with this girl. She is somehow disabled but is being put into a normal class because she actually recieved 6As for her PMR. Well, she looks normal but she lives in a silent world. She;s deaf and she can't speak or talk.
When I wanna talk to her, I would write it in my notebook. and she would reply in my notebook as well. She thought me how to use sign languages. It was fun! she was sweet and nice. She's kinda normal though.
back from school.. SLEEP.
tuition accounts! Now i understand how to do accnts! its so EASY!
went to SACC and met anis, talked for a while and then my mom and I went to big apple and go home.
homework time! i gtg now! byee
Today, I woke up from bed at 7.15! Then, I rushed to the toilet, brush my teeth and took my bath. I did not shampooed my hair because I was so so LATE! I wore my uniform, put on some perfume, dry my hair and drank my milo then go to school. Wheew!
Arrive school, I did not go to the hall because I was damn late so I went straight to my class and sat there reading my gossip girl book. After that, we had add maths and life goes on. Today at school I was somehow awfully quiet. Because Nikki had took my place, she was the one who was extra hyper and it get a lil wee bit annoying. So, I let her be. Ouh and today, I made friends with this girl. She is somehow disabled but is being put into a normal class because she actually recieved 6As for her PMR. Well, she looks normal but she lives in a silent world. She;s deaf and she can't speak or talk.
When I wanna talk to her, I would write it in my notebook. and she would reply in my notebook as well. She thought me how to use sign languages. It was fun! she was sweet and nice. She's kinda normal though.
back from school.. SLEEP.
tuition accounts! Now i understand how to do accnts! its so EASY!
went to SACC and met anis, talked for a while and then my mom and I went to big apple and go home.
homework time! i gtg now! byee
it only takes 48 hours

Anyway to C Who was apparently my BESTFRIEND la konon. KONON je la ni. Who was apparently tired tapi bole tunggu dekat sunway pyramid sampai malam instead of wishing me a proper birthday with cakes. Who broke my heart "I penat la nick. i tak nak pergi." But when she broke up with her BOYFRIEND. I never get tired of listening to it over and over again. Well, I guess my birthday is EVERYDAY so sebab tu la kot dia penat.. Betul tak? Sorry KONON!! Bff KONON!! But spending just one day with me pun tak boleh? And it is not S's birthday okay. ITS MINE! Plus, S punya rumah dekat dengan acoustic night tu! Abang dia bole amek dekat situ. S pun ruin it jugak! But whatever la. I had fun!! Minus C and S la punya wasted time tunggu dorang. I should have just entered scream park without waiting for you. You did not enjoy it anyway kan? You guys go out for my birthday or for something else? Anyway screw YOU C and S. GO FAR FAR AWAY! you waste my time and C, you lied to me. PENAT LA KONON.
Liana from Estrella sang for me a birthday song and I was forced to sing a song and she said that I had a great voice! I know right. My friends finally saw Ezekiel and we dance to the music and took pictures and we played I NEVER! It was fun! Going to scream park and watching coming soon. OMG! This was the best ever. (minus C and S) punya wasted times waiting for them. But it would be perfect when C is there. And this is HONEST! My face was not that happy just because you weren;t there. Ask them if you don't believe me.
Well, maybe I have never done anything for you on your bday. But I tried writing you songs and when it is not your birthday pun. I listen to your stories and I be there for you when you need me to talk too.
OK. kalau la kau tak paham kan. macam ni:
If you broke up with your boyfren, and you wanna talk to me. But then I kata "Penat la, lain kali je la eh? thanks" Tapi, aku layan orang lain yg break up dengan boyfren dia at the same day as you did and at the same time masa I cakap penat.
My birthday is not everyday. And you did not even spend your time with me! Bukan la selalu I want you to be there. Just when its my birthday and when I get bored. But you rather prefer to be with S.
i feel soo lonely without Rosie and Alex.

its been a week since i last read their emails and im's...
I finished reading Where Rainbows End by Cecilia Ahern. And now, I've given the book back to my friend. I spend 3 days straight reading that book ONLY. I realize that now I feel lonely without Alex and Rosie. :(
i can;t wait to read another good book:-
any suggestions?
16 soon!

I can't believe that I am finally sixteen! I mean not yet but in less than 24 hours-- I will be sixteen!
It feels like it was just yesterday I'm still a kid adoring my teenage brother and sister. And now finally I realize that I'm a teenager! The stage of life that I always wanted to be. I've gone through the puberty stage already and it sucks. Weird things happen to my body and my soul. But now, I'm a real MAN! well PRACTICALLY.
Although I will not have THE SWEET SIXTEEN PARTY of the YEAR! But hye, there's still my WHOLE life! And I did not ask any presents from anyone because I feel I have everything that I need. A phone, a camera, a laptop with internet access and a polaroid camera ouh and an IPOD. so, what is there to ask? Thank god, each and everyone of my family is giving me a 100 ringgit. So, altogether I will have 500 ringgit! Can;t wait to go shopping!! I wanna buy this really cool sweater in topshop that cost 268 ringgit. gahh!
and the rest of my money will be kept save for the next school holiday :)
Anyway-- Lets just hope that I'll get LOTS and LOTS of presents! from my aunts and uncle. Well at least lets just hope its MORE MONEY!
until then,
oh well,

just finish completing the foilo F1 thingy that I was suppose to do ages ago. But hye, even the group leader has not done anything yet. So, I follow the leader.
I'm totally bored right now. Its saturday night and I'm stuck at home doing school work. Where did all the movie night, partying, hanging out-ing with friends had gone? Where did the FUN in NICK go?
GOSH! I;m BORED. And BORED usually exist in BORING people.
I did not go anywhere today except SCHOOL because I have this F1 portfolio to complete and after school, I went for lunch with munifah,marina and zya. We chatted and chat. for about half an hour then we all went home :)
At home, I work on my folio and at the same time listening to Atiq's getting a PERSONAL MESSAGE from Nicole Scherzinger-- Well, if he told you the story than it is not a LIE! because I witness it with my own eyes!! I even chatted with NICOLE FROM PCD!! Can you believe it? gosh! Its so unbelievable. Atiq cried and I laugh. aha. I print screen the conversation, but when I upload it here. You can't actually see the conversation, all you see is my photo. haha.
I am almost finished reading When Rainbows End. But Atiq ruin it by telling me the ending! FUCK YOU! garr!
hmph anyway thts it I guess. au revoir!
until then,
is there such things?

is there such thing as a SOCIAL smoker? I do not get it when some people smokes in front of everyone just because others in front of him/her smokes as well. Do you feel left out? really. Don't start smoking because its hard to stop. Speaking from experience.
besides that, do you know that its very easy to get drugs these days? I would know because I am friend with those who are taking them. But I have never tried any sort of drugs before. Only if you would say laughing gas is a drug or a puff of marijuana is. But, do you know that some of my friends have tried cocaine, ecstacy and some of them are addicted to marijuana?
I don't understand why they are pressured to TRY those things. Is it C O O L? Well, you are a fool to me now. Thank you god. That I have not lost my mind yet to do all those things.
OMG! its been awhile.

Maxis has been such an ass lately. My mom pays the bill every month, but the internet stil can't be use most of the times because of the connection problem. screw them--
ALOT had happen lately. By alot I meant ALOT! Now, if you are interested in my boring yet dramatic and yet fun plus fucked up life. you would wanna read this post. But if you are not interested than--wait, of course your interested.
Ok. so now where do I start?
Oh yeah! Puisi and lagu competition. Seriously, if the mic would have worked. Farah and I would be the winner. I played the guitar but the mic did not work when I played the guitar so, none of the audience heard to what the hell I was playing. FUCKED THEM SCHOOL man! OMG! The TTDI Jaya school has a lot of hot bitches but at the same time, the guys there are pretty much SPECIAL-- by SPECIAL I meant DISABLED. When I was heading to the toilet, the were looking at me like I was the one who is disabled. They were like "ek ele, nak market plak kat sini."
And I gave them my bitchiest look. yeah wtver.
Anyway, the other team from our school won. 3rd place. And I recieved the 3rd place medal too! Idk, why -.-"
OH! did I mention, that I was the resource manager on my school F1 team? yeah! I am the resource manager. I have to find sponsors to sponsor our team for the competition. But, this F1 thingy they say is really STRESSFUL but so far, I have nothing to be STRESSED about. Why should I be stress? NO such word should exist in the dictionary. Stress sound so stressful! OH I hope you know what I mean :)
I just realise that I am becoming more of a good student :) Homeworks are HALF complete. I'm participating more on school. I auditioned to perform on teachers day. And, just as I thought things were going so well about ME improving myself--
THERE WAS A WARNING LETTER saying that I have not been attending school for 11 days from january to march. And, the irony of the situation is that I'm the only one who gets it amongst my other classmates :( WHY me? There are so many other people who has more abscent records than I do. For an example, Siti. Since January to March-- she has only gone to school twice a week only if she feels like it. But sometimes once a week. But why has not she recieved any WARNING letter? And on January I only did not come twice.
my mum is really really upset.
But, if only I knew that I would get a warning letter, than I should have and WOULD have come to school everyday.But the thing is that I really do not know that I would get a warning letter. Because I thought I come to school everyday. and if there was a day or maybe 11 days that I did not come from JANUARY till MARCH it was because maybe I was sick or I know that we would not study on that day. And who the hell goes to school on a Saturday? And its not like I did not come to school for 11 days in a row! stupid school!
I went to the school since I was 13, and was thought that you would only recieved a warning letter if you do not come to school for 3 days IN A ROW. I have never not come to school 3 days IN A ROW. This strict dicipline acts changes when the new principal came to our school. She is the bitch to he core. I hate her! I really do!
So, until then.

you must not know what I mean.
17 april 2009 :) My bday is coming up. My sweet sixteen <3 so here's the plan. If I come to you personally and ask you to go to scream park with me on my birthday, it means that your invited to my birthday plan for the WHOLE DAY! yeay YOU!
the guest list from 20 would be short listed to 15, due to crowdness. But, if you are free to go to scream park and you wanna follow me-- text me :)
Oh wait.
The plan is that ME and my 15 guest will go to school as usual, after school, we would go home and change to our regular clothes to go to sunway. At 3pm, we are going to sunway-- 5 taxi's. anyway if you wanna meet me up TERUS at sunway, yes. You are welcome :) But at that night, like I said, there would be this acoustic thing my cousin will organize at Jalan Badminton Section 13 near the HERO groceries store. So that is invitations only :)
sorry if I don;t invite you. Its not that I HATE YOU. It is just that, the acoustic thing is not my event. Its my cousin. So, thank you for your understanding bitches !
so here's the plan:

Since everyone is doing the future plan thingy. So maybe I would wanna do it too :) And here is my plan, so read it up!
by the time I reach 25:
When I'm 25, I would get my first job in the interior designing or visual communicating industry and I would buy my first car which is the mini cooper. I have to at least earn about RM3500 for my first job. Start a saving to get married, to go to hajj and to travel around europe :) and I would give my mum RM1000 every month after I got my pay and take my family out for a family dinner every month without fail. Or even take them on a holiday--sponsored by ME :)
by the time I reach 30:
I would wanna get out of the interior or visual communicating industry to move on towards the fashion industry. I would wanna create my own line called Nico by Nick and go international with that line. Attend fashion shows and marry the hottest models-- Maybe the NEXT Giselle Bundchen or Kate Moss. But whatever, I must marry a model.
by the time I reach 35:
I have to be a millionaire. My fashion line would be successful and it had reach its goal which is going international, and by that time I would be moving to new york and stay there for maybe 3 years to know how it feels like to live in America :) Oh, I would live in Upper East Side to be exact. And my Children would go to their private schools there. After 2 years, I would come back home here in malaysia and sent my children to international school. So, they do not have to take PMR. its not easy. If they come from my genes-- they're not that smart. Oh, and I would have 4 kids. 2 boys and 2 girls
1) Raja Rawella Rawel
2) Raja Rishique Rishqie
3) Raja Rina Raineena
4) Raja Razqha Razhar
its all "R" :P
by the time I reach 40:
I would go to HAJJ and also expand my fashion line. Buy 2 new cars, the BMW X6 and the PORSCHE CAYENNE. Besides that, by the time I'm 40-- I would wanna have a Datuk-ship and after my fashion line is successful, I would create a fashion magazine and make them go international as well. Lets make it short-- I will make an empire in the fashion industry. wanna join? I would want my mom to live with me and take her to go traveling around the world. I hope she would live long enough to see my kids have kids :)
10 years after that-- If my kids would wanna take my business I would give them the chance. But if they don't then I'm selling all of that for billions of dollars :) I would retire when I'm 51. And then, my MODELESQUE wife and I would stay in a pan house learning more about the religion and go on a healthy diet while taking care of our grandchildren :) Besides that, I would also organize a lot of charity events to donate to the unfortunate people. Help the ones who help me before. And just live a RELIGIOUS life :)
until then,
p/s remember me when I'm famous :)
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