Maxis has been such an ass lately. My mom pays the bill every month, but the internet stil can't be use most of the times because of the connection problem. screw them--
ALOT had happen lately. By alot I meant ALOT! Now, if you are interested in my boring yet dramatic and yet fun plus fucked up life. you would wanna read this post. But if you are not interested than--wait, of course your interested.
Ok. so now where do I start?
Oh yeah! Puisi and lagu competition. Seriously, if the mic would have worked. Farah and I would be the winner. I played the guitar but the mic did not work when I played the guitar so, none of the audience heard to what the hell I was playing. FUCKED THEM SCHOOL man! OMG! The TTDI Jaya school has a lot of hot bitches but at the same time, the guys there are pretty much SPECIAL-- by SPECIAL I meant DISABLED. When I was heading to the toilet, the were looking at me like I was the one who is disabled. They were like "ek ele, nak market plak kat sini."
And I gave them my bitchiest look. yeah wtver.
Anyway, the other team from our school won. 3rd place. And I recieved the 3rd place medal too! Idk, why -.-"
OH! did I mention, that I was the resource manager on my school F1 team? yeah! I am the resource manager. I have to find sponsors to sponsor our team for the competition. But, this F1 thingy they say is really STRESSFUL but so far, I have nothing to be STRESSED about. Why should I be stress? NO such word should exist in the dictionary. Stress sound so stressful! OH I hope you know what I mean :)
I just realise that I am becoming more of a good student :) Homeworks are HALF complete. I'm participating more on school. I auditioned to perform on teachers day. And, just as I thought things were going so well about ME improving myself--
THERE WAS A WARNING LETTER saying that I have not been attending school for 11 days from january to march. And, the irony of the situation is that I'm the only one who gets it amongst my other classmates :( WHY me? There are so many other people who has more abscent records than I do. For an example, Siti. Since January to March-- she has only gone to school twice a week only if she feels like it. But sometimes once a week. But why has not she recieved any WARNING letter? And on January I only did not come twice.
my mum is really really upset.
But, if only I knew that I would get a warning letter, than I should have and WOULD have come to school everyday.But the thing is that I really do not know that I would get a warning letter. Because I thought I come to school everyday. and if there was a day or maybe 11 days that I did not come from JANUARY till MARCH it was because maybe I was sick or I know that we would not study on that day. And who the hell goes to school on a Saturday? And its not like I did not come to school for 11 days in a row! stupid school!
I went to the school since I was 13, and was thought that you would only recieved a warning letter if you do not come to school for 3 days IN A ROW. I have never not come to school 3 days IN A ROW. This strict dicipline acts changes when the new principal came to our school. She is the bitch to he core. I hate her! I really do!
So, until then.
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