just finish completing the foilo F1 thingy that I was suppose to do ages ago. But hye, even the group leader has not done anything yet. So, I follow the leader.
I'm totally bored right now. Its saturday night and I'm stuck at home doing school work. Where did all the movie night, partying, hanging out-ing with friends had gone? Where did the FUN in NICK go?
GOSH! I;m BORED. And BORED usually exist in BORING people.
I did not go anywhere today except SCHOOL because I have this F1 portfolio to complete and after school, I went for lunch with munifah,marina and zya. We chatted and chat. for about half an hour then we all went home :)
At home, I work on my folio and at the same time listening to Atiq's getting a PERSONAL MESSAGE from Nicole Scherzinger-- Well, if he told you the story than it is not a LIE! because I witness it with my own eyes!! I even chatted with NICOLE FROM PCD!! Can you believe it? gosh! Its so unbelievable. Atiq cried and I laugh. aha. I print screen the conversation, but when I upload it here. You can't actually see the conversation, all you see is my photo. haha.
I am almost finished reading When Rainbows End. But Atiq ruin it by telling me the ending! FUCK YOU! garr!
hmph anyway thts it I guess. au revoir!
until then,
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