As you know, I was wearing this huge glasses to school--JUST for fun, and it's Yasmin's for god sake. And people do make such a big fuss about it. Chill weyh, glasses je. Have you not seen any of those things? That is what you call spectacles/glasses. You know, some people wear it because they are short sighted or long sighted and some people wear it for the fashion--namely ME
I just realise that BEING different than everyone else makes you a critic magnet. You know, some people sometimes do critic you like they are any better. There was this form 5 stupid girl, and if I see her I hunt her down 6 feet underground-- she was like "ek ele, apahal sial pakai cermin mata besar"
And I was like-- "suka hati la weyh" and gave her my 'don't you mess with me' look. And if you get a closer look at that girl, she is very hideous. And I will find her and hunt her down even if she goes six feet under ground--because that is what I mostly do. I'm an original life ruiner.
And there was this form 3 guy who wore the same glasses. And some thinks that I COPIED his style, well-- NO I did not. And why do y'all care so much? Plus, I wore those glasses before him for a day and none of you notice it. So, its not I'm the one who needs those big glasses. It's you!
sorry la eh, kalau sesiapa terasa--no offence though.
Anyway, in order to be different you got to be the same or don't be different at all *pfft* mother fuck you!
This is what I say-- I am different than you, I do weird stuff and ugly things but I'm hotter and it's true. You have no life so you critic mine, but hay--judge me, I don't care because your not any better and that's fine :)
Oh, and to that tudung form 5 girl who criticizes me. You walk like you have been fucked a thousand times. You know, you could ACTUALLY walk straight not sideways. Since your dumb and stupid and not that straight, so you could attend walking classes made by me. Call me, if you need any help
ttyl, got to get ready for a H U G E family dinner--
until then,
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