Anyway to C Who was apparently my BESTFRIEND la konon. KONON je la ni. Who was apparently tired tapi bole tunggu dekat sunway pyramid sampai malam instead of wishing me a proper birthday with cakes. Who broke my heart "I penat la nick. i tak nak pergi." But when she broke up with her BOYFRIEND. I never get tired of listening to it over and over again. Well, I guess my birthday is EVERYDAY so sebab tu la kot dia penat.. Betul tak? Sorry KONON!! Bff KONON!! But spending just one day with me pun tak boleh? And it is not S's birthday okay. ITS MINE! Plus, S punya rumah dekat dengan acoustic night tu! Abang dia bole amek dekat situ. S pun ruin it jugak! But whatever la. I had fun!! Minus C and S la punya wasted time tunggu dorang. I should have just entered scream park without waiting for you. You did not enjoy it anyway kan? You guys go out for my birthday or for something else? Anyway screw YOU C and S. GO FAR FAR AWAY! you waste my time and C, you lied to me. PENAT LA KONON.
Liana from Estrella sang for me a birthday song and I was forced to sing a song and she said that I had a great voice! I know right. My friends finally saw Ezekiel and we dance to the music and took pictures and we played I NEVER! It was fun! Going to scream park and watching coming soon. OMG! This was the best ever. (minus C and S) punya wasted times waiting for them. But it would be perfect when C is there. And this is HONEST! My face was not that happy just because you weren;t there. Ask them if you don't believe me.
Well, maybe I have never done anything for you on your bday. But I tried writing you songs and when it is not your birthday pun. I listen to your stories and I be there for you when you need me to talk too.
OK. kalau la kau tak paham kan. macam ni:
If you broke up with your boyfren, and you wanna talk to me. But then I kata "Penat la, lain kali je la eh? thanks" Tapi, aku layan orang lain yg break up dengan boyfren dia at the same day as you did and at the same time masa I cakap penat.
My birthday is not everyday. And you did not even spend your time with me! Bukan la selalu I want you to be there. Just when its my birthday and when I get bored. But you rather prefer to be with S.
Nick why ?
It seems that u had a bad time on ur bday , why hun ?
aw. liana ckp u ada nice voice?
how cool!
happy sweet 16 bdw (:
i know that u r pissed of but go to the positive side...ure other fren sanggup dtg...and happy sweet 16 nick :D
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