Do you remember about my friend Saffy? yea. I know you do. And her boyfriend Danny? The part what I did not tell you guys is that they are what we call CYBERLOVE. yeap! They met through Myspace and have not even seen each other face to face yet. Plus, they have been in love or in a relationship for almost about 6 month and they have not seen each other yet. I know its weird. Eventually,on the 28th of may 2008. Its time for their first date! hmmm...
Saffy invited me to her date. I mean, just to accompany her. Ouh, she invited Atiq and Najlaa as well. Najlaa(saf's best friend). I'll make a blog about her after this post. Anyways, we're planning to go to Sunway Pyramid. It is like the place which have all the coolest shops and movies NEAREST to Shah Alam.
Wednesday morning (10.45am)
We arrived at Saf's crib. And she said she was getting ready so all we need to do is to wait for her MoM which was attending religious class btw that time. We were in front of her house. At the gate waiting for her to open the door. And surprise! She is wearing a POTATO SACK with jeans!
I was like "Saf! it is your first date and your like wearing a potato sack with a quarter jeans?" and she was like "okay! you choose for my outfit ryte?". And I was like "the potato sack is actually find, the jeans NO!". So, Atiq and I choose the pants for her. Its like a black long pants that makes her look expensive,tall and chic.
Anyways, we are waiting another friend of ours Najlaa Ardina. Apparently, we were suppose to be in Sunway at 11 am. But, we waited for Najlaa more than that. hmph. While we were waiting, Danny text Saf and said "I'm gonna go home now. Your late." Atiq and I was like in a shock. Plus,were freakin MAD at Najlaa.. At 11.10am. Najlaa arrived. She said she would make it up to Saf. So, she called Danny and beg him not to leave. Luckily for her! Danny didn't. But we got to arrived there A.S.A.P!
Saffy was practically nervous. I mean who isn't? Its like their first date or something. BTW, Danny has a jealousy issue that I told you about right? He has this gigantic JEALOUSY of me. Well I do not blamed him for that. ;p
The last check on Saf's outfit,hair and face is ON! She looks perfect! And it is time to go... All saf could think about how would Danny look like in real life? well the picture above shows Danny's myspace picture.
We were searching for Danny in Sunway. So, Saffy called him and asked where is he.. So,he said meet him at the Ice Skating ring. So I said to Atiq and Najlaa "what if we let Saf to go and see Danny first and we would be like behind her." So everyone agreed. And Saf was the first to go and see Danny
Atiq,Najlaa and I went there a few minutes after Saf went. Each of every one of us are soo excited for Saffy. The moment of truth is coming just seconds.. And.....
Theres Danny....
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