I freaking do not know why did my parents gave me such a loonnng name. If I have a child one day,I swear I am just going to name it some name that is just SIMPLE like ALI,TIMAH,ABU or ANA.. But eventually, my name is Raja Mohammed Naqiuddin Shami Bin Raja Adam. They had to cancel my "BIN RAJA ADAM" for my PMR form. yeap. They did.. I was born on the 17th of April 1993.. The story of the DAY that I was born was FUNNY..My dad send my mom at the hospital at 5.30 am.. Because while my mom was praying,her stomach had the "SIGNS." At the hospital, my dad said to my mom "zee,you wait here for awhile and I will go home for a moment to take my bath and the kids here." And so he did.. My mom actually waited for my dad for an HOUR! maybe MORE! and so,she had to proceed and to gave birth to me.. Before that, she called home and no one was answering.. What actually happen to my dad? So,she called my aunt..
After my aunt got the news that I was being born she actually shouted "ADAAAMMM!! your wife just gave birth lah!" I swear to god. My aunt had this big voice and I am pretty sure the whole neighborhood know that I was being born. Where is my dad? hmm... you will never guess.. He is on his BED! continuing his sleep..-.-"
I am the youngest in the Adam family and the most bullied. I have my eldest sister weween the one who nags alot like no other. She nags more than my mom and she have this LOUD personality. She is married with her caring husband Zul.. And believe me.. Zul is the opposite of weween. He is quiet and polite and just opposite. Plus, my sister is almost 6 month pregnent! yeap! she is.I have my big brother Faliq. He is BIG! he is the one who bullies me alot and calls me KELING and stuffs. He is very good with the PIANO and GUITAR.. He has this MUSIC personality and that ARTISTIC vibe when your around him and I have my other sister Zaza. She is what we called the girly girl who loves pink and girls stuffs.. She has this sometimes a baby personality and she always asked me for money or favors.. Believe me, I've been through all kinds of bully with those three being my brother and sisters. But! if you try to do anything to me? They would be the one who has my BACK! beware!!..
Not to forget.. MY PARENTS!
They are the ones who I admire the most! They have been married for 26 years actually.. I adore their love and I love them so fucking much man. No one can take my parents away except God. I have my Dad.. Raja Adam bin Raja Mohammed.. He is the greatest dad in the whole wide world.. He loves to act like a kid and play at the playground with my cousins and I.. He also adores the sea because DIVING is like his hobby and someday I would like to DIVE to0. Just like him yaw! I spent the 11 years of my life with him and I never actually get to know the REAL him. I know that his FUN and loves the OUTDOORS. I know that he is a family oriented kind of dad. Our family have this tradition of having a FAMILY breakfast on Sunday and most of the time we would have indian food or "sup tulang" and I know that he loves the water. Thats it! thats my dad the one that I knew him until I was 11.. Because there is this one day,he had this severe fever and he experience hallucination's and he became from bad to worst.. He did not want to sleep and he is not being himself.. I was 11 that time.. I thought a ghost was controlling my dad.. And the next thing I know.. He was bed redden.. And he can;t talk,sit or walk the doctor said that he had meningitis.. Eventually, we moved to Shah Alam to go and get his treatment. We saw some improvement but one day we had to go down to JB for a cousin wedding and we left him with the doctor.. After we came home, he became from bad to worst! My dad died when I was 12.. He died on the 18th of July 2005.. If I could just see him one more time I just want to hug him and shut up.. I know that he is in a better place now..
And there is my MOM!
The queen of my LIFE! She is my hot mom.. Her name is Poziah binti Abdul Kadir.. She is the strongest women I know.. Her spirit never goes down.. She never gives up.. And she loves reading.. She loves to have me around her all the time.. I am like her possy and assistant.. But I do not care about that.. All I know is that I love her and I am not ready to let her go if she have to go.. Although she may be annoying sometimes, but hey! which mom is not? I spent every moment with her. And I adore every fight with her,every nag she make,every delicious food she cooks and every second with her.. She is my HOT and BEAUTIFUL MOM!
That is ME part 1..
I will tell you about my FRIENDS and SCHOOL in part 2! later
yours truly,
Nick Raja Adam!
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