Changes. Life is nothing without changes. Even I am at the "changing stage right now". Voice getting deeper. Girls makes me hornier..haha.. But what is changing about the girl at the picture beside is. Her boyfriend.
The name is Anne. She is a former schoolmate of mine. And forever she is my best friend.. Among all of my besties. She is what you call kinda WILD and flirty.
Her love life. Is like others. happy,fun and the fights is always on and off.
She moved to this school. Called Sri Cahaya. A private school and one of the new school in Malaysia.
Luckily for her, she found this Chinese guy named BEN. She said it was perfect guy and romantic kinda guy. The one text you and only say I LOVE YOU. and the text go on like.. I LOVE YOU MORE. and he would be like. NO I LOVE YOU MORE. And it goes on and on and on
Well almost 2 days ago, Anne brought me to see BEN. I mean BEN is nice and everything but her ex MEYY is better.
But before I knew Ben, my friend Atiq called me and said
"nick, Ben is converting into a muslim"
I was like... "What?! is he converting to a muslim because he wants to or because of ANNE?"
Atiq said "I think it is because of Anne"
I spread the news to almost everyone. And some of them believe it some of them did not. But one thing for sure, BEN circumcised his private part today. I guess he really is converting to a Muslim.
there is alot of thing that is on my mind about Ben converting into a muslim. Did he do it just only for anne? or he really wants to be a Muslim?
what if one day they broke up? For god sake! we're just 15. And changing a religion just because of LOVE it is kinda over mature. hmm..
Get more of this on my next post about anne..
until then!
yours truly,
nick Raja adam
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