School has always been a fun,fucked-up,hilarious,scary and hard sometimes. Since I was in kindergarten until I'm in form 3 now. There has been lot of changes about me when I am in school. In kindergarten, I am this quiet,loner,freak kind off kid.. I rarely have friends and I hate stupid puzzle toys they gave me.. I went through 3 kindergartens actually. I never knew why my parents send me to 3 kindergarten. When I was 3 years old I went to qudees.. It was like the coolest kindergarten ever man.. They have swimming pool,sands and hot chicks ;p when I was 5 I went to Tengku Shariah.. That was the worst ever.. The playground was broken.. The toilet was dirty and the environment was like yuckish! When I was 6 I went to my last kindergarten which is Jack and Jill.. The kindergarten that thought me to read and colour and even how to use the computer.. When I was in Jack and Jill, I became friendly and no longer a freak no more.. I had a lot of friends and I have a lot of crushes too.. I can still remember their names.. Sasha,Yuhanis and Magida.. Haha..lols..They were hot man that time..;p
Then I went to primary 1. GOD it was scary.. I went to the school called Saint Joseph.. It was an all boys school..but there were no GAYS there.. I remember my first friend.. His name is Kesaven. He sat beside me that time and suddenly we ended up playing tic tac toe together..haha..I remember that I use to cry because my dad often pick me up soo late that sometimes my mom had to give him a reminder at the car.. When my school ended at 6.00pm.. He picked me up at 7.00pm.. Yeah.. Which kid who will not cry? tell me? Then primary 2.. Where I met my first so called besties Raven and Yusof.. I can;t remember how we met each other actually,but I know we went recess together and played cards together and everything together.. They became my friend until I was in primary 5.. And they are still my friends now! When I was in primary 4. I won my first singing competition.. Yeap! haha.. It was not plan actually.. My friend dared me.. So, I was like WTH I could just give it a shot! The song choices was not fun..It was the song that I did not know.. And there were only britney spears song that I know which is "I Was Born To Make You Happy." yeah! I won!! haha.. I know the song because my sister often sings it at home.. And I just learn it from there I guess.. Since the competition,I know that my hobby is MUSIC.. anything about MUSIC then I;m ON!
In primary 6, I moved to Shah Alam. GOD! I remember how much I hated it here.. The people,food and just the aura.. It did not click with me.. I was culture shock because my classmates were all MALAYS and there were no indians or even chinese there.. It was a nightmare that I will not wanna go back again. Then, there were this friend of mine Izzat and Thariq.. They are not what I called besties.. But,they got my back that time.. They are fun to be with and really funny.. And,I won another singing competition there too.. haha.. I sang GEMILANG by Jaclyn Victor.. but this time I just became the 1st runner up.. And my friend MEYY won.. But,I remember how everyone wanted me to win.. The said that I should win because of bla bla bla.. And when I was in primary 6.. I somehow became FAMOUS. Every one knows me..
But all of that ended when I was in secondary 1.. My first friend was Nikki.. She was so famous that time.. I remember one of this form 5 guy waited outside the class just to see her.. GOD! haha.. Form 1 was fun!! Form 1 was the time that I finally became myself..
Form 2...It was a lot of dramas...There were a LOT! but I am too lazy to tell.. I remember Nikki,Thariq,Izzat and I grew apart.. Thariq,Izzat and I did not fight. We just grew apart from eachother.. If that answers everyones question.. Some people asked me annoying question like "why did Izzat and Thariq and you had a fight?" I was like.. "we did not fight.. we grew apart". But Nikki and I kind of did.. She just did not wanna talk to me.. But I really do not give a damn about that.. haha.. Form 2 was the year who I found the REAL NICK is.. The year where I found my true friends.. The year that I partied alot! The year where I became FRIENDS with my worst enemy which is ATIQ. and the year which I found my true friends..That is Atiq,Saffy,Ct,Ida,anne and meyy..It was FUN!
Form 3.. What more can I say? PMR la stupid! haha.. I did not studied hard enough like I should be studying hard! But I do not know why.. I procrastinate A LOT! It is already near JUNE!! I kinda have like 4 month to study! hmph! nick nick..This is the year where I became GURU MUDA yaw!! haha.. The year that I became officially a YEAR being single.. not in a serious relationship and not interested in nobody right now! haha..
So, read this later.. as I tell you my secrets and scandals!!
yours truly,
Nick Raja Adam
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