Its true of what they say about the world. It is round. and rotate a complete circle. The funny thing about that is. Our life rotates the same way too. A complete circle.
I remember I used to bully this school mate of mine Atiq. I bullied him with my friends Tanek and Ijat. The bullying part was fun. But I know we did his life miserable. I remember I did this birthday party and almost everyone was invited. So, as a bee-yotch.. I went to Atiq and said.. "ouh! Atiq i have a card for you its for my party. Everyone is going to be there." . I could see the look on his face. It was HAPPY and a GLOWY face. As if he was saying "OMG! I'm invited?".. While I was pretending to look for his card.. I said "oops! sorry.. I forgot that you were not on my invitation list". (Yeah I know what your thinking right know)
The look on his face was disappointed.
So, the days past by.. We were starting the first day of school and surprisingly.. Atiq was sitting beside me.. I remember that I was pissed because he sat beside me and i was like "that whore"..
One fine day, one of the class prefects phone was being confiscate by our english teacher. And everyone put the blame on Atiq because he has always being close to the english teacher.And the whole class did not wanna talk to him and ditch him. He was like WTH! and he said that he did not told the teacher. So I ask the prefect "how did you know Atiq told the teacher?" and she was like "who else would told the teacher if it was not him?" and I said "did the teacher told you that he told the teacher? or did you see him told the teacher?" and she was like "NO". At that time I knew that Atiq was innocent. Those KAMPONG bitches has no fucking PROVE or EVIDENCE that atiq told the teacher.. So, I stood him up and told everyone that he was innocent. Because,no matter how much i hate you. I still have my rights to fight for you if you were being ditch by those kampong bee-yotches!
So from day on, Atiq became the bestest friend of mine. And he is not a LOSER as I expected him to be. His extremely funny. And his my FRIEND.
That is how the world go round. You may never know where or who would you end up with. And there is still story about Atiq. Still more to come! ;p
read this tomorrow as I tell you about my friend Saffy
yours truly,
nick Raja adam
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