aliran apa?

Tomorrow is the day where I will choose which class am I to go next year. This process is also known as streaming. Pening Kepala! I myself do not know what am I to be when I grow up. Apa nak jadi lah!! I was thinking about taking accountancy and economics and an extra subject which is Visual Arts. And I was also thinking about just taking just VISUAL ARTS and TASAWWUR ISLAM. But if I take the ARTS and TASAWWUR ISLAM class, there would not be a wide choices for me to go to university after my SPM because people who were assigned to this class usually the "not so rajin" people and I may not have any friends there. But my SPM results would be the BOMB if I take ARTS and TASSAWUR ISLAM. My sister said it was an easy class, and her SPM results for TASSAWUR ISLAM was THE BOMB. But, the problem is that if I take that particular class, I would not have any friends. So, I think I would go and take accountancy and economics. NO SCIENCE STREAM! Don't put that in my head! so,,

until then,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amik la tassawur as an additional subj=)