its my time to shine :)

Since my mum is only going to send me to UiTM while my dream college would be a private one. This is because my sisters all went to UiTM and it would not be fair if I'm the only one who would go to a private college. Its not that I hate UiTM, but its because that there would be a high chance for me to go to UiTM Perak instead of going to UiTM Shah Alam -.-" That is so far away from my friends,MY MOM and from KL. So, thank you god:

There is this competition sponsored by Pizza Hut and The Star where all you have to do is create a mini magazine based on a topic. And I the topic this year is "Teen Angst." You have to create a 4 page spread of articles, pictures, interview and a feature story. You also have to create a 3 minute video based on your magazine.

Its a TEAM kinda thing, so my team members are all girls because guys? I can't depend on them. They're lazy like me. So, my teammates are Nikki, Yasmin and Sya. Not only they have the looks but Nikki have that determination, Yas have the brain and Sya is kinda hard working amongst four of us. And Nick-- Well, I'm me. creative. :)

The prizes are--
Well, I'm just going to mention the GRAND PRIZE which is a RM100 000 pre-u scholarship in TAYLORS COLLEGE for EACH OF US! Like wtfuck right? When the teacher said that at first, I was having pulpatations. Its like drinking 10 million coffee. Anyway, besides that- an all paid trip to go to Sibu Island Resort for 3 days 2 nights. W O W! And I'm the only guy. GARR!! But Sibu island is in Johor. The last time I went there was when my dad was still alive and I was still in kindergaten. go figure :)

Ok, so TEEN ANGST? Its not as EASY as it sounds. Obviously, you guys would suggest drug abbuse, smoking, pre-maritial sex and bla bla bla. But I want my magazine to be something unique and different. Something that EVERYONE wants to read it and stuff like that. Because MY TEAM has already set an EYE for the scholarship. It won't be yours-- It would be ours!

anyway anyway anyway

I have this feeling that after my SPM I would be having a horrible celebration because I have this weird feeling that I have been chosen to go to PLKN (national service). And if I don't get this scholarship-- GOSH! UITM PERAK, here I come :(

so please don't make me go to UiTM PERAK.

that would be awful! P E R A K? Like what do you have there? Even SAF is going to college in KL.

until then,

p/s wish me luck ;)

I'm Nick and I'm a shopaholic.

It has been so long since I last updated my blog. Well, this is because--oh just because. I'm lazy.
Lets start last friday where I skipped school just to accompany Sya to watch Confession Of A Shopaholic. Well, I have read the book. Obviously, the book is much more better than the movie. But the movie seems much more FUNNIER compared to the book. Because you could actually SEE Rebecca Bloomwood live in action. How clumsy she is and how clueless she is. She's just funny. Although she is funny, but my favorite character is Alicia Bitch Longlegs. haha. Because she's hot.

Anyway, after the movie we went and have mcdonalds-- GOSH! FOOD was heaven. Because on Friday, we meet eachother at Mahligai and the restraunt was not open yet plus, we're lazy to go to pelita. I mean--THEY were lazy to go to pelita. So, I waited until 3pm to eat -.-"

After lunch, we hanged out outside of Sunway, taking pictures and make jokes and laugh. It was fun though. But then, Sya and the gang have to go back home early because Anis has to see her grandmother. So, Nina and I went to see Nikki at asian avenue.

We took pictures at this shop where they sell weird stuffs. It was fun. I mean for Nikki and Nina it was because I was making jokes and stuff like that. After that, we went back home.

The Mr.TAXI driver was being such a bitch. Because HE did said okay to send me to section 9 after he sent Nikki to section 13. But, after we arrived at Nikki;s house he went and go somewhere but it was heading towards the highway. and I was like "pak cik, kata nk hanta saya pergi seksyen 9" but that bitch was like "dekat resit ni tak ada pun" and I said "saya bayar la pak cik" and then he said "tak kisah la, awak bayar ke tak bayar tapi saya nak pergi ke sunway sekarang ni." I was like "ey. stop saya dekat sini sekarang jugak! mintak tolong sikit pun tak boleh. bodoh! sb tu jadi taxi driver" and it was somewhere heading towards the highway -.-" And he stopped me there.

I walked towards section 13 shops area while it rained. My clothes were wet and GOSH! I hate that fucker. I called Atiq to pick me up. But Atiq being Atiq-- he called my mum to pick me up. -.-"

Taxi Drivers like that should go to hell!

until then,

how and when will I die?

Yesterday, my brother in law's sister just passed away because of TB. She is the youngest in her family and she's 28 years old. young right?

As I was going to the funeral. Suddenly it struck me, "how and when will I die?"--ok I always have these sorta questions in my head since the day I was born. So, deal with me.

Will I die like my aunt? On her youngest daughters arm?
Will I die like my grandad? With his children, close friends and grandchildren beside him?
Will I die like my grandma? In her sleep at the hospital?
Will I die like my dad? On my own bed with my wife and my children holding my hands beside me?
or Will I die like my niece? In a comma at a hospital?

These DYING question sometimes scares me. I always wonder what it feels like to be dead. And being ME who has done tons of sins and have not repent FULLY yet. And what if suddenly I die now? Like, I'm typing, then I sneeze and I die.

1st, my mum would go crazy and after one week she would be back to normal. My siblings would go and comfort my mum for days. Thank dearest god theres ezkl to somehow replace me being youngest. My cousin Aqeel would cry until his nose turns red. My friends would go "alaaa nick mati" and somehow I think they would cry.

haha. I think If i die, the WORLD is going to be sad. So, dont worry. I'm healthy and fine. I hope god will not take my life away at 16 or so on.

note to readers:

I dont mind if you wanna trash my post or whatsoever. I accept criticism very well. But can you please don't go over board? Can you please not be too paranoid over a stupid picture? Just to make it clear over this guy who is very dumb named ANONYMOUS who has no life and stalk my blog because I somehow think that he is 12 years old. Even a 12 year old kid have lifes! Anyway, in that particular picture where Idzudee and I PRETEND--I repeat PRETEND to kiss-- is just dramatic and fake. WE did not kiss. I am too much in love in women than to be gay. Which means that I am 100% straight. I dont get HORNY watching guys naked or something similar to that effect. does that makes everything clear to you wahai anonymous? In that picture was a guy named Dee who wore a WHITE shirt and the black shirt was ME. So, I hope Dee is not your brother because Dee has always been crazy like that and he loves to joke around. And I do too. So, if you don't understand our jokes than you might wanna go to humor class. And if Dee is not your brother and I am friend with your brother(whoever he might be) I will not influence him to do anything like that. Because I dont force people. so don't worry.

until then,

I'm a bad bitch!

How many have you done?

1) smoked weed or cigs
2) consumed alcohol
3) slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4) slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5) made out with someone of the opposite sex
6) made out with someone of the same sex
7) had someone in your room of the opposite sex
8) watched porn
9) bought porn1
10) done drugs

TOTAL: seven

11) taken pain killer
12) taken someone elses prescription medicine
13) lied to your parents
14) lied to a friend
15) snuck out of the house
16) done something illegal
17) cut yourself
18) hurt someone
19) wished someone to die
20) seen someone die

TOTAL: eight

21) missed curfew
22) stayed out all night
23) eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
24) been to a therapist
25) been to rehab
26) dyed your hair
27) recieved a ticket
28) been in a wreck
29) been to a club
30) been to a bar

TOTAL: three

31) been to a wild party
32) seen the Mardi Gras
34) had a spring break in Florida
35) sniffed anything
36) wore black nail polish
37) wore arm bands
38) wore t-shirts with band names
39) listened to rap
40) own a 50 cent cd

TOTAL: three

41) dressed gothic
42) dressed prep
43) dressed punk
44) dressed grunge
45) stole something
46) been too drunk to remember anything
47) blacked out
48) fainted
49) had a crush on your neighbor
50) had someone sneak into your room

TOTAL: three

51) snuck into someone else's room
52) had a crush on someone of the same sex
53) been to a concert
54) dry humped someone
55) been called a slut
56) called someone a slut
57) installed speakers in your car
58) broke a mirror
59) showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
60) brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush

TOTAL: six

61) consider ludacris your favorite rapper
62) seen an R rated movie in theaters
63) cruised the mall
64) skipped school
65) had an eating disorder
66) had an injury
67) gone to court
68) walked out of a resteraunt without paying
69) caught something on fire
70) lied about your age

TOTAL: four

71) owned an apartment
72) cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
73) been cheated on
74) got in trouble with the police
75) talked to a stranger
76) hugged a stranger
77) kissed a stranger
78) rode in the car with a stranger
79) been sexually harrassed
80) been verbally harrassed

TOTAL: four

81) met face to face with someone you met online
82) stayed online for 12 hours straight
83) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight
84) watched tv for 12 hours straight
85) been to a fair
86) been called a bad influence
87) cursed
88) prank called someone
89) laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex
90) cheated on a test

TOTAL: eight

91) cheated on homework
92) recieved/given a handjob
93) been pushed into a pool
94) played pool
95) watched 5 hours of mtv straight
96) had a crush on someone 10 years older than you
97) had a crush on someone younger than you
98) wear eyeliner
99) skinny dipped
100) laughed at someone who was seriously hurt

TOTAL: six

TOTAL: fifty two.

10-20= goodie good
21-30= a little rebelious
31-40= getting hot baby
41-50= rebel
51-60= total bad girl/boy
61-70= bitch/asshole
71-80= cant believe you made it this far
81-90= fucking bad ass
91-100= see u in hell

forgive me ALLAH for I have sinned. I have done all this wrong doings due to all my selfish and ignorant self. I want to seek your forgivness.

in 10 years time.

Where will I be in 10 years time? Would I be alive?

Ok. So, here it goes-- As I was doing my homework this thought just pop out in my head "where will I be in 10 years time?"

Yeah. Where will I be in 10 years time?

Lets just hope that I would be alive in 10 years time aite?

23 days more :)

23 days more until my BORING sweet sixteen arrives :). I just have this feeling that it will be the usual, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" cake that my family had bought like 20 minutes before they sing the bday song to me. But this year, as I told you I am not going to celebrate my birthday at home but at my Aunt;s restaurant where my cousin had planned this event called "third night outside" featuring some acoustic indie celebrities bla bla bla. And I obviously have to go there to support. I'm sure my eldest sister would buy me a cake and suddenly the light would turn off and slowly they sing the BDAY SONG. so yeah. boring much?

I don't have any present REQUEST like I always do every year. I just figured, I have like everything thats ENOUGH for me. But I do hope my family would keep on their birthday dinner tradition one day before my birthday because I feel like having mediterienean(how ever you spell it) at this place where they call it the look out point or something like that. Because its located HIGH above the mountain so you could see the whole KL up there and yeah its kinda a cool place because we eat on the balcony or the rooftop :).

My birthday plan with my friends are-- well I guess they would do the same HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU kinda thing. hmph! Its not that I'm not happy, it is just that I'm bored. My birthday plan would be bringing my important bitches and dogs to dinner and just party after that. gosh! I hope my sweet sixteen will be the best birthday ever! PLEASE OH DEAR GOD!

until then.

i have a lot of uncomplete homeworks to do. -.-" gahh! I feel very lazy.

I'm once in a lifetime :)

"one in a million"

Today is the last day of the holiday :( I'm not ready to go to school because I'm not finished having F U N! GOSH! I hate SUNDAY and MONDAY plus WEDNESDAY! I just hate those days.
Only god knows why.

Anyway, I have tuition tomorrow and I have to study and practice for the puisi dan lagu thingy :)

until then.

tainted love :)

well its the last day where I could stay up late because it is the last day of the first term holidays. And on April, theres no holiday but theres my BIRTHDAY! :) Sweet sixteen not as I expected because my cousin is making this THIRD NIGHT OUTSIDE on my birthday, and obviously I have to be there -.-" I was planning to have like a dinner with my friends and I. You know my five most important people:

5.other friends.

But third night outside is kinda of a big deal to my bro because he's performing I think at that night. So, as a good brother I am, I would support. And I guess they would have like a surprise cake or something like that. Boring *yawn
nothing special?
well, theres always my seventeen birthday right?

Ouh, and ON April is Atiq's birthday. Surprise bday party tak cukup bajet. So, karaoke ? I hope Atiq does not mind. I would bring 10 of Atiq's closes friends and bring them to red box or something. Well, I figure something out. Ouh, and Mid term is coming up after April! study everyone? YEAH! I need to study my add maths,maths,accounts and sejarah! :)

well, toodles. the bed is calling me :)

of course I am.

"3 years now and still counting. Sadly, I'm still waiting"

well, I'm not sad because I'm use to wait. Yeah, not for 3 hours but 3 years. Don't ask me what/who am I waiting for. The point is I'm waiting. Its been this secret I never tell no one. So don't make judgments. I will keep on waiting until it sees. :)

anyway, last Thursday went to Sunway and I met plenty of people. But I hanged out with only my associates. haha. Watch movies, flirted, sicked of emo guy and yeah it was an okay day. Anyway thats not why I'm here. I'm here because:

OK, I hanged out with this hot girl name P. yesterday. Yeah, I kinda flirted with her and I thought she was flirting too. So, that was fine. :) anyway. Today we talk in msn. She asked me about a this hot friend of mine. I ask who? She said the one who came late. I was like WTH?! haha. she has a crush on SH. mmhmm. IF it was DOUBLE A I would understand, because he is kinda you know ok. But SH? -.-" And, so it was ok. She did not have a thing for me. But, SH have a girlfriend. A long distance relationship with his girlfriend. And somehow or rather, P got SH msn. and they chatted from 10pm to 4am now. And SH just said "I will not sleep not until you do."in a flirtatious kinda way.PLUS, I told him that I sorta have a thing for P and I always thought SH have a thing for N. IS HE OR IS HE NOT THE BIGGEST JERK? Does not he knows if he tries to be a bitch with this bitch. He will get the biggest bitch of all. NICK!--ok not a bitch, but a MEAN human. I mean, he has always this jealousy issue going on with me. So, part of me thinks he is just doing this because he might think that I'm jealous of him. well. not gonna happen dude! Jealousy aint my thang! But a part of me says, he is doing this because of the ldr girlfriend. But I did say I have a THING for P. So, he's trying to be a bitch!

anyway why do I think he has a thing for N?:

1. when we were in the curve last month, watching movies. they were holding hands. :)
2. while we were shisha-ing. he wanted to transfer to N the smoke that was in his mouth.
3. he once dated N but got rejected. So, you never know. :)

haha. How could he do such a thing to his innocent girlfriend? the best part is. Her girlfriend is my friend. sorta a close FRIEND. I hate JERKS! So, I hope that your GF finds out whatever you did behind her back. Because somehow, I hope that she would lose faith in you.

I'm sorry if your jealous of me. :)

shh, I have something to tell..

"hidup ini hanya kepingan yang terasing di lautan"

My life is all so simple, you know. Wake up in the morning, go to school, come back home from school,hanging out,studying,thinking,eating,shitting,pissing ouh and just a lot of normal breath in and breath out teenagers activities.

But imagine how many secrets do I hide behind all of this normal things that I've done?

Not that you need to know any. But just IMAGINE if one of my secrets were to have you in it. Even the slightest secret like--I secretly think that one of you who reads this secretly hates me :?

ever wonder?

Maybe its true, yeah. We keep secret from others because we are scared to let people know what they think about us. They might make wrong judgments, they might tell others, they might not be friends with us anymore and they might just you know cry.

But what if you can't handle it anymore. Like there is this one secret that you really really need to tell this other person because it involves her. But your scared to tell them that secret of yours because it might just ruined your friendship. hmph. So, I guess you just have to keep that secret from her. right? Let her figure it out by her self. even if she would never figure it out. hmmph!


until then,

done :)

I've come to an end. I mean I've finished watching all teen movies. Its 6.30 am now. From ada apa dengan cinta to 10 things I hate about you to Kami the movie. It was all good man! Ada apa dengan cinta was definitely romantic and good! 10 things I hate about you is definitely sweet! KAMI the movie is the movie somewhat I can relate to the most. The ending was pretty simple and yet confusing. But somewhere in the end. Abu died :( or did he? haha. I think he did not because at the hospital the camera did not even show ABU. Maybe he could be in a comma or something like that. but wtv!

Anyway, I have a lunch date to go to at 1pm with anne and nabilah maybe atiq as well. but we'll see. :)

Besides that, I really do miss Siti Amirah. Its almost been a week now since I last saw her. I mean, we chat and everything in msn but since theres so much to talk about and we talked about everything and now its getting boring. hmph. But I miss hanging out with her. I hope she can come tomorrow :)

GOSH! KAMI THE MOVIE is stuck in my head man! ahahah. Annoying lah!


until then.

its not that easy

I'm watching teen movies alot right now. First, I watch Ada Apa dengan Cinta and I'm still watching it now. Second, I'm downloading kami the movie -.-" haha. And third. I'm downloading 10 things I hate about you. haha. I somehow can relate to this kinda movies and that is why they are the best E V E R! Because being a teenager IS the best part of your life.

A LOT OF DRAMAS of course. But hey, that is life right?

lazy sunday,

Actually, I was suppose to go to JB with my mom today and on Monday, I was suppose to hang out with my JB friends-- Raveen, yusof, syahir, fika and etc. Anyway, the planned was canceled. Because my mum have some other plans. So, another lazy freaking Sunday. I sent my mum to the bus station because she's going to JB but not for me but for work. haha. And when I got back home, it was 9.30. So, I kinda need to catch up on my handsome sleep. And so I did. Just to found out that I had woken up at 3.30! haha. After that, I had nasi goreng and milo. And now, I'm blogging. gosh! My mum would be in JB for 3 days and 2 nights. So, I'm home alone this monday! Party anyone? But, I'm thinking of going night swimming with my friends. tengok la macam mana. hmph. I feel so guilty because I made plan with Iman to go to sunway but then, it was raining so I had to cancel. Just to find out my phone is not working. And his number is in my phone -.-" stupidright? hmph. I hope he did not wait for me.

Whats up with Love?

I just watched Ada Apa Dengan Cinta for the 1000 time. But the last time I watch it was when I was in primary 5. And I only watch it because I love the poetry. But now I forgot what the movie is all about. So, I just finished watching it. It was so OMG! I'm so in love with the poetry.The ending poetry is my FAVORITE! it goes something like this:

Perempuan datang atas nama cinta
Bunda pergi karena cinta
Digenangi air racun jingga adalah wajahmu
Seperti bulan lelap tidur di hatimu
yang berdinding kelam dan kedinginan
Ada apa dengannya
Meninggalkan hati untuk dicaci
Lalu sekali ini aku melihat karya surga
dari mata seorang hawa
Ada apa dengan cinta

Tapi aku pasti akan kembali
dalam satu purnama
untuk mempertanyakan kembali cintanya..

Bukan untuknya, bukan untuk siapa
Tapi untukku
Karena aku ingin kamu
Itu saja.

That is fucking sweet man! I wish someday I could write something as sweet like this! This is the sweetest fuckest MOVIE I ever saw! The best one yet. I'm gonna be Rangga now. So, no more LOUD Nick. Starting from this MONDAY. I'm Rangga. haha. Ok. Who's gonna be my Cinta? :)

hehe. until then :)


Wow. This just in: N can't stop thinking about you know who and is still waiting. I guess some people just does not know how to move on right?

let me give you a lil deed on my friends life:

A is joining this drama club thingy and he often can't stop talking about MBB. He worries me about that, anyway he had a slight fight with FA. because of--forget it. its A. He's extra sensitive. So watch it.

C is ditching me to go for a HOLIDAY some sort with her friend. Well I thought I was number 1? whatever! hmph. Anyway, C has a new boyfriend now. Well, obviously people are betting when will it last. But I have a feeling this won't be long. oops. haha. Sorry C. You still have to know the truth right?

N(a different N). Anyway, she just rejected Double A. I know! She makes out with this guy and finally after 3 months of HIM waiting for HER. She rejected him? OMG bitch! haha. But besides that, she ALSO can't forget about her ex. That is why she rejected Double A. hmph. I guess the people who has N in his/her name certainly do not know how to fucking move on. But pity N struggling with family problems. Anyway, I'll always be there for you!

S is missing people! I mean where is she? LIKE WHERE THE HELL is she? I miss her! Where could she be? Its been a loooong time since she's online. I really really do miss her like ALOT! I have got so many stories to tell her though. hmph.

thts it I guess. These people are in my head. haha. Anyway, N and C just ditch on my weekend plan because N is going to her moms house and C is going somewhere not important. Like does not she knows that I am not a STOP along the way? I am a DESTINATION! And she calls herself Nick's bff! hmph. Nikki can't go because she has zero cents on her purse. Well, pity her. Now, IDK if I'm canceling the plan or not. :/

should I?

it was kinda ____

"you always think the worst I just wanna flirt"

Anyway, today was my sports day. GOD it was AWESOME but I hate it. The reason why I hate it because theres too much sun and people are smelly. The reason that it was awesome because my house won 2nd place and I had free vitamin D from the sun rise. haha. bull ___

Atiq make a big HOO HAA because I was wearing jeans. But then, it was true he should make a big hoo haa because there were only 3 people who wears jeans just now. god. This is because my tracksuits are all already short or small or dirty. So, I'm the only one who wears jeans and blue shades and a red converse. yeap! I'm over doing it. haha. anyway. The cheerleaders were all HOT! the wheather's HOT too! haha. Since this day ON. I promise myself, next year which will be my last year of sports day. I will sign up for everything! From running to helping them KAWAD to cheering to EVERYTHING. Because I sense that segara will win next year.


until then,

sorry :)

I know it has been a while since my last post. This is due because my computer has something terribly wrong with it and my brother's broadband is quite slow. Sorry, not quite but a WHOLE lot slow.

nothing ever really happens actually. Tomorrow is my sports day so, I'm thinking which shades to wear. Or I'll just use my signature shades? confuse much?

Ouh, I so can't wait for the holidays(!) I have so much PLANS for the march school holidays! I planned to go and watch some movies with Anne and some other friends. I have to go to this concert! yeay! I have to practice with Farah about the puisi and lagu. I have to go to JB! And most of all! I have to have FUN! DUH!

i'll update later la! I'm listening to Nidji. Gosh I never knew the band was so cool!

yes. Its true I'm in love. But I'm not telling you to whom I'm in love with :)

Yes. All this while I've been telling my friends that I am in love with this girl and that girl and this. But all of that is a lie. Sorry :)

I really am in LOVE. With who? I won't tell you. Lets just say, I am falling head over heels for her. I really really am! My heart stops or sometimes skips a beat when I talked to her. When she is not around I would miss her and OMGOSH! I have been loving her for so effin long now. Wait, it is not who you thought it is. Because I know who you are thinking about right now. Well, it is NOT. Some of you know who I might talked about now and some of you are thinking about the wrong person and some of you might be clueless.

If only she knows that I'm in love with her. This is my problem, I mean I can act normal and fun around other girl. I could even flirt with other girls. But this, with her--I'm ME! She makes me ME. And I'm too scared to tell her I love her. I'm such a pathetic lil bitch. GOSH. I tried loving and liking others but that really does not work! MOVING ON from relationships might be the worst advice ever!

I will keep you guys wondering. And I will not stay in peace until I confess to her that I am so deeply in love with this particular girl whom I doubt would feel the same way about me. So, lets wait another 10 years when she's already married and have kids and when I have BALLS to tell her the truth.

until then,

to ANONYMOUS: a letter for you

Everyone who reads my BLOG knows me well. They know that I'm not gay and I love to joke around. You know the picture where I "PRETENDED" to kiss a GUY? Its a big HOO HAA to this guy/girl which I do not know who claims that I am very close to his/her little brother or sister. But who ever you are, that is not your little brother. It is NOT! That is 100% ME! and this guy from my school. I SWEAR!

And can you please don't think such unlogical facts? My mom already know what I did at that party and she did not even make a big fuss about it! Ouh, and the comment you gave me was a threat. You could be in a very big trouble for that you know. What did you said to me again? GAY? Well, I may not know who you are. But whoever you are trying to mess with here is the wrong person. I got my whole friends and family behind my back! SO? And plus, I'm sorry if I ever took that picture. And it is not who you thought it was. Plus, if you show my mom that picture, she would not even give a darn. Because she knows what I did. And unfortunately for you. I've deleted the picture.



anyway, the comment was SOMETHING like this:

"eyh kau BAPOK. Asal kau GAY huh? Aku tunjuk mak kau gambar tu nak tak? Kau rapat dgn adik aku. Siap kau esok nanti MATI kau! Kalau aku dapat tau itu ADIK aku. MATI KAU"

it was something like that. First of all, AKU RAPAT DENGAN SEMUA ORANG!

mine your own business can you? Stop bullying a harmless teenager :)
thank you for your understanding.

bayanganmu hanya menenmani aku.

this is a malay puisi I wrote myself. Its bad. but WTHECK. Its an emo story, if you don't understand. Ask me :)
Waktu sudah senja,
malam akan tiba,
kau membuatku buta,
tanpamu aku merana.
Engkau membisukan ku,
bisikan ku, sunyi.
bisikan ku ,tersembunyi,
tersembunyi di hati ini.
mereka sudah lama tahu,
mengapa kau tidak begitu?
mengapa dunia yang perlu memberitahu?
Bahawa aku cinta kamu?
Mengapa aku tidak mencari lagi,
mengapa aku mendiamkan diri?
mungkin aku takut engkau tidak mengerti,
perasaan aku kali ini.
Bulan dan bintang senyap dan tidak memberitahu,
awan dan burung nampak segalanya yang berlaku,
mereka diam buat tak tahu.
apa yang akan ku lakukan pada diriku.
Aku menyerah diri,
aku tidak tahan lagi,
tidak ku sangka ia berakhir begini,
aku menetup mataku,

this explains why.

This is why I did not go to school today:

Ok, my mum had to wake up early to go to this course. And around 6, she said she's leaving and she said "don't forget to go to school" And so, I catch up on my sleep again because I often wake up at 6.15--So, there's still 15 minutes of sleep. Why waste?

But that 15 minutes turns to 3 hours. And when I woke up it was 9.15! I was terrified. I hope mum does not finds out and I hope my brother did not take his leave today.


until then,