
There is this new girl her name is A, well she just started moving here this year and she moved back to her old school last 2 weeks ago. Anyway, she is friends with those losers bitches that we all hate. You know, the ones who can't keep their mouth shut and wants attention all the time. The kampung ones. So, she was my classmate. I never had a problem with her though. She seems very normal. I mean, very normal to join in those losers lah kan.

So, she moved to section 24 and she was put in the same class with my friend Azwan. Azwan is Shasha's boyfriend. Remember Shasha? The skinny girl who sometimes wears tudung and sometimes doesn't? Yeah her. Well, she's my ex-classmate and my ex-schoolmate. So, Azwan was being friendly I guess and ask A who was she friends with when she was schooling in section 9. And A did not know that Azwan was my friend.

Guess what that social climber said,

She said that she's my bestfriend and she is very close with me and my other friends such as Nikki, Sya, Siti and Yasmin. She said that me and her often hang outs and stuff.


Azwan told Shasha about this and Shasha told Yasmin and Yasmoin told me. What if A knew that Azwan was my friend? She must be embarrased. Because everyone knows that I am not friends with her. Not as in NOT FRIENDS NOT FRIENDS. But as in, I barely even said one word with her in one day. I maybe talking to her if I needed a pencil or pen or something else.

But, oh well. Who doesn't want to imagine that they hang out with me? I'm like Nick Raja Adam. haha.

ok, done belagak-ing.

until then,

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