its been a looooonnnnnggg time

Sorry if you readers have been waiting for me to update my ouh so special blog. Well, the reason that I hve not been updating my blog is because my internet has gone fucked up lately and I do not have any interesting stories to tell you.

ok, so here's some update just to keep you fresh from my life A G A I N!

1. remember the post about C and S having some misunderstanding with A? well, they make up like I said they would. Yes, sometimes BFF can make you go WTF. True friends don't fight too long people :)

2. I've wrote 2 new songs but my brother took his lap top away and my Acer laptop have no video recording webcam. We can only take pictures with it -.-"

3. Now A and N are having some fights! N is not Nick. But someone else. A little misunderstanding and some catfights! There is nothing more that I love than catfights! *purr*
But, this one will have a boring ending! I bet they would kiss and make up too.

4. Ouh, Amirul Acap and Anne are lovers made in heaven! Thanks to me that they're in love! I'm proud of myself!

5. I can understand economics better! Accounts is WTH!? Anyway, I'm gonna go for art classes to polish my artistic skills :)

hehe. Thats it I guess. I promise you that I will update this everyday!

until then

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