broke (I'm a shopaholic)

Maybe my mum should only leave me for about 2oo for 44 days, but instead she gave 400 for 44 days ! yeah, and now I'm left with 45 ringgit. It's not as easy as it seems, I'm sure some of you may say "pegy la dekat kakak kau" or "ala, your sister kan dah kerja". FYI people, my sister's does not work for me. They work for themselves and for my family.. NOT FOR ME.. Not only that, but in case you haven;t notice, I have my social life to attend to. But you cannot get a DOLLAR drink at a party can you? You can't even get a RM5 movie for god sake ! Thank god I'm going to JB next week. I hope I could get enough money to last me until 17th december. This is sooooo irresponsible of me. I spent my money on clothes, movies, pizza, drinks and parties?! urgh!!!! I am such a son of a big fat BITCH! damn it!! please people, don't ask me out anymore.. I can't take this.. OH MY GOD! I need to buy the ticket for that spade party! shit! its 30 bucks.. But that spade party is on the 10th.. and I be back here from JB on the 8th.. I hope and I really really hope that I get DUIT RAYA HAJI from my relatives :( so, toodles!

until then,

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