jealousy is a such a mean ol thang

I just can't work under pressure it brings me down to the core. I hate it when people gets jealous because its annoying, Jealousy is just something that intimidates you and it shows that your lack of confidence. Please don't tell me things you know I do not want to hear and please make sure if you want to tell me things, BE SURE that you give the RIGHT and FULL information. Or else don't talk or speak at all. And please don;t try to bring me down because now I realize that it hurts and I'm not that strong emotionally. Two people just bring me down on the 28th of May 2009 and it hurts emotionally and mentally. Don;t do that to me, PLEASE. :/ I may seem strong and confident but now I realize that I'm actually weak. So, please don;t harm a harmless creature like me ok?

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