
"Sahaja aku berpuasa pada seluruh bulan Ramadhan tunai kerana Allah ta'ala"

Thats my niat, I don't go with the NAWAITU thingy because I don't understand it. As long as we niat and it comes from the heart. Then thats fine :)

What I love about Ramadhan is of course the home cook food that my mom always cooked for us. She does not cook rice on Ramadhan, I don't know why. But since I was little, my mum would only cooked rice with various lauk at sahur. Not buka. She would cook something western, italian, Mediterranean, arabic, chinese and indian for buka. I love it when she make her famous mash potatoes. Its better than chillies. Trust me. I love the cous cous with steak and erm, the soups! Everyday is a different soup. My favorite would be the potato and pea soup.

Is it me, or is the night of Ramadhan seems different? Every night in Ramadhan seems very peaceful, harmless and IDK there is this special thing about it that makes me calm. 

OMG! So many buka plans with friends. I'm so effin short of money right now though. 

Anyway, I will try my best and my hardest to puasa for one month! Lets try to be a better muslim now shall we? 

until then,

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